Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kids at the Dr.

Between today and last week I have had all three kids at the Dr's for shots and blood drawing.
It has been an interesting study on how different each of them are.

Kate: I had to take Kate to get some Kindergarten shots. I didn't tell her until we were already in the car. Then I told her. She screamed and bargained me to take her home. She cried and whaled. And begged and begged and begged to just take her home. Once there ( I had to literally carry her out of her car seat into the office) She cried and cried. When I told her she could choose to have the shots in her arm or leg she kept saying "lets make a deal" and telling me reasons why neither would work. In her legs the nurse would have to see her underwear, in her arms she would no longer be able to write because her arms would be too sore. In the end me and the nurse pinned her down. She couldn't be calmed and we just strapped her down and went for it. It broke my heart, and I know shots are tough, but she was mighty ridiculous about it. Once it was over she cried for a minute. Then said without any more tears "those were just little shots mom" And was totally fine about it from then on out. I hate lying to my kids, but next time I won't tell her where we are going.

Sam: Sam is having a lot of tummy troubles. Did I already tell you about how Jake and I sent the better part of a week collecting his poop into cups, mixing his poop with other solutions, freezing his poop, smearing his poop onto post cards and putting them in the mail. All per Dr's instructions of course. Did you know there was fecal matter being mailed from place to place on a daily basis? Me neither... and gross. Sorry for the gross details. But this is our life. In addition to the mountain of poop we sent them they needed some blood. five viles. What was ordered called for 9, but they can't take that much blood from a kid that only weighs 31 lbs. So Jake and I took him to the lab today. We had a pediatric appointment and the lab ladies were excellent with him. But it was rough. Jake held him in his lap, arms wrapped around and holding his arm down. We told Sam we were taking him to the Dr's so they could try to find what is wrong with his tummy. He sat in Jake's lap no problem. He even rolled up his sleeve on his own. I think he though he was having his blood pressure taken. Last time at he docs he had that done and I told him they were seeing if his muscles were growing, and he kind of liked that. This he did not like. He watched the needles, though I tried to talk to him and distract him. Mostly using a snail in a jar he caught in the garden in the morning and brought along. The nurses were loving him too. His chatter and handsomeness. All brave and happy Sam, until they put the needle in. The crying and tears. But no fight, he held perfectly still, and looked at me with his teary eyes, then back to the needle. He was okay after they did the 1st arm. But they didn't have enough. So they had to do the other arm. He cried again. I can remember standing behind the two lab ladies and he was looking straight at me. They finished and wrapped his arms up. I carried him to the car. He was sad, but cheered up when I mentioned that because he was so brave we could go buy another train. Then we went to target (and got him a juice smoothie from the cafe as I was afraid he was going to faint from all the blood they had taken) and shopped around and and he forgot all about it. He has been fine all day and told Kate later "my shots were really bad". (This is because Kate calls IV's really bad shots, and regular shots "tiny shots" ) He wanted Kate to know what kind of shots he got. He was a tough guy. But boy it breaks my heart.

Marianne- Then I returned to the doc this afternoon to get Marianne some shots. We are so behind with her shots (oh me). Two in one leg -resulted in one "ahh". Then one shot in the other leg (one little "ehhh") and that was it. Then all smiles and laughs and charm for the entire office. Seriously. She didn't even cry out really. Usually when I take Marianne to the doctor I am corralling two kids along too. But not today. I dropped them off at Jake's office and made them play computer games while he worked for almost two hours so I didn't have to bring them along. And it was awesome. Everyone of course loves Marianne, especially when her sibling aren't making tons of noise and climbing all over everything and distracting from her overall cuteness. "sexy body" "Damn girl" "what perfect thighs you have" "I am looking for my own baby just like that one" and "look at those lips" all comments from the staff directed at my Marianne as I carted her around the office sans clothing for the appointment. She is pretty much the cutest baby they've ever seen I'm sure (or so says her mother)

Despite it being hard to watch you kids be in pain, and the heart breaking of Sam asking me to fix his tummy and being able to do nothing and it be unexplainable, despite how exhausting it is to just be running back and forth to doctors visits and labs all the time....

it was a really great day.

We spent the morning collecting snails out of the yard and putting them in jars for Kate's show and tell.
We spent lunch having a picnic in the front yard, and watching a blue jay sneak our crumbs.
We spent the afternoon playing outside in the backyard (yes even me) games, and wagon rides.
We spent after dinner with Dad watching him fly his new helicopter.
Now we are sitting together in my bed. They are eating popcorn and watching a movie before bed while Jake is at basketball. All cuddled up just like I like.

And there were lots of smiles today.
Man I love those kids.

1 comment:

Polliwog said...

Ick, what a nightmare of doctor's visits. We were there for shots on Tuesday and Luke charmed them as well--he didn't cry at all until the third shot and just kind of let out a little grunt of annoyance at that. I wonder if the nurse is extra good at giving shots or if our babies are just exceptionally good natured? Probably the latter. If it makes you feel any better, once a couple of years ago, Melissa crawled under the doctor's table/bed thing and clung to the leg to avoid her shots. I had to crawl under and pry her fingers off, then hold her down. Which means Kate is not the worst patient they have seen in that office for shots :)