Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4, 2012

Kate did it.
Her 1st day of real school.

We got afternoon class. Which is just fine by me.  Having my kid dressed and feed by 8:15 is a lot harder.  Plus I'm sure to get a shower in myself and it is warmer by 12:40.
Kindergarten is every day.
Mondays from 12:40 to 2:20-  yeah what is the point?
and Tues thru Friday 12:40 to 3:25.

Jake and I got to take her together to her first day.
She explained all the reasons why she was ready on the way there
"I have a booster seat, I am potty trained and I am five"
She has deemed these the requirements I think based on that is why we tell Sam he can't go.
" You know all your letters and numbers, and are good at listening and making friends" I add

When we get to school she doesn't seem one bit nervous.  Except when a teacher talks to her and she points and asks me with a funny face "is this her?"

We find a friend we know from church and Kate is pleased to be paired up with her and sent to line up.
It is crazy crazy crazy.
Their methods for gathering the kids could be greatly improved on to say the least.
But she makes it.  I don't get to go inside.  They take them in after they are lined up.
I notice there are several kids bawling.
I wonder what that would be like?  There is no remorse for leaving home from Kate.

The two hours we are home for don't go as fast as I imagine.  We play in the yard then Sam and I work on some school stuff with the new school supplies I let him buy.

Sam and I go to pick up Kate.  It is pure chaos again.
I come up to Kate in a group of kids with her teacher.  When she sees me she grabs on to my arm and hugs it tight as we walk to the car.  Kate is not a super affectionate gal.  My heart swells when she grabs me.  She is excited to see me.  I am nervous to hear how everything went.
But I don't know why I'm nervous.
It was perfect sounds like.
And to top it off she actually had lots to say about it.
But first she asks if I brought Sam in the car.
Good thing I did I guess.
She tells me first about the tour they went on to the office where you go when you are sick, and the library.  She tells me she got to pick a place to sit and she sat by the church friend.  Then she tells me there was another girl with blonde hair she kept looking at thinking it could be her friend to but the girl was very shy.
She tells me they read a book, played with playdough, got to talk about their families, ate a cookie and had recess.
She explains that at recess she had the idea to  play school on the playground and pretned the fire engine (that is part of the play structure) is a bus.  She says that all the girls played with her, except for one who played pirates with the boys.  It sounded like she was the one planning the play.  And I don't doubt it for a minute.  I just hope she was kind about it.
She also tells me about how her friend brought a fun game to play while they waited for their moms.

The three of us go pick up a special made pizza at Papa Murphys for Kate's special day.  Sam sings "it is Kate's special day over and over again"

When we get home she recaps the school info again to Dad and then again to Grandma. I'm happy to hear new pieces.

And most of all I'm happy she is happy.  That is went well.
I can't wait for tomorrow and the next day and the next day
My Kate is amazing.

And I didn't cry.  Well not one tear rolled down my cheek, though I did get choked up several times.
Even Jake said it would have been hard to put her on a bus and just send her to school.
I'm a little bit sad of course for school to start.
Sad most of all because since Jake works for himself we get to determine our own schedule completely.  There won't be any afternoon picnics or mid weeks vacations like there has been.  They won't be any lazy days where we don't get dressed.  We have a schedule to keep.
I'm sad of course because I will only see Kate less from here on out.  Only 14.5 hours of school a week for this year.  15 hours where she won't be with me, and just more each year to come.
But I'm happy for her.  She is going to do so great and love it so much.  I'm happy to have one kid in school too.  It is basically impossible from me to take three kids alone anywhere.
I just know it is going to be a great year full of friends and fun for her.

1 comment:

lilybit said...

yeah for kate's special day!