Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sept 1 2012

Uploading the iphone today.  Cute pictures from the month range between the states we've lived in this month.

1.  Sam and Jake ready for bed right before the move.  My boys are adorable.
2.  Maize at church.  I think she took this picture of herself playing with the phone/
3, 4, 5. Out to eat as a family at Pismo's in Fresno
6. Sam loves his honeydew.
7. Sam and Maize hold hands almost every time we are in the car.  It melts my heart.  Sometimes M holds Kate's hand on the other side as well, but not always.  She always holds Sam's hand.  Sometimes they even fall asleep in the car together holding hands.
8, 9.  M is a climber.  None of our other babies have been so into climbing.
10.  Kate cuts out a mustache she finds in a coloring book.  How does she know that mustaches are in?
11. Jake and Sam work on the car together all Saturday afternoon.  Sam calls the spark plugs "sparkles".  He may have too many sisters.  Good thing Dad will let him help with manly things like auto repair.
12. Sam shows off his monkey pj's.  The kids and I went school shopping last week.  They were both so good and excited to buy things.  I let Sam pick out  a t-shirt.  He picked a navy blue shirt with and light blue dinosaur on it.  I didn't know it at the time, but when he got home he told Jake he had picked it out for when he and Jake go to the BYU game.  So adorable.
13.  M kicking back eating a banana. She is such a grown up little girl now.
13.  Nothing beats a baby with messy pasta all over their face
14.  I live in a basement, but I still have the best view ever, even out the basement window.

1 comment:

lilybit said...

great sum up of a month!