Thursday, June 12, 2008


So this afternoon you will never guess what I did. I spent it on the phone with companies that drive me crazy with junk mail (ie, steven heneger, american express). Seriously my small mail box is full everyday with one or more ads from these people. The funny thing is that you can get a customer service rep right away, but then they transfer you to the "mail removal" department and there is a long phone wait. Don't they realize they are soliciting a little too much when they have to have an entire department for mail removal. Lets just say, I didn't even bother being polite. and when I say I was not polite I mean I told Steven Heneger that I would not longer being needing an ad a day from them as I actually had graduated from a reputable university unlike theirs, and my husband had his doctrite from a top university as well, thus no need for a fake college ...hey, its not like they are being polite. These companies send me a credit card application to my last three addresses in both my married and madien name several times a week, so they obviously dont care that I no longer live at these addresses, and haven't at some for over seven years, and they therefore obviously don't care if my identity gets stolen. At some times it was quite hilarious because the lady would ask what name I wanted removed and the address then go to say have a nice day and I would say wait there is more.... and continue with the other 6 or seven. And yes she would find six or seven on her computer. I did Jake's as well while i was at it. I have even been online to those stop junk mail sites but they don't seem to work. I am not really and environmentalist or anything, but I am pretty sure over 30 acres of the Brazilian rain forest have been sent to me piece by piece by Capital One in the last year alone. URRRR!


DawnTreader said...

I was kinda hoping that you would describe how you also had *my* name removed. Oh well.

Polliwog said...

Wow, that sounds like time well spent. I hate junk mail. That's why we just keep moving. :)

Dolphinsbarn said...

You know, the average person has to be contacted like 7 times before they say yes. Pretty soon you'll be a capital one carrying, Stephen Henegar going student.

Anonymous said...

Junk mail, it is kind of like weeds isn't it? They never seem to stay gone. I hate junk mail but my kids love it when they are little because they pretend it is mail for them.