Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Everyday Low Prices and a Bit of Wisdom

Yesterday Kate and I went to Wal-mart where we did indeed marvel at the everyday low prices. Smith's nor Day's our only options just can't compete with this wonder of the free market economy. While browsing the dish soap selection a young women approached me. I made a quick assessment of her based purely on her appearance. She was not threatening, cute, a little younger than I, fashionable dressed, we could possible be friends. Until she made a complete breech of the social rules to which we all adhere... you will soon see.
Her " Can I ask you a question"
Me (thinking she needs help choosing a cleaning supply) "sure"
Her "Do you like being a mother"
Me (very thrown off) "Well I like it, It is great" (what else am I suppose to share with this stranger)
Her something like "is it all you every wanted"
Me "It is great... pretty great" (nodding my head wondering what she really wants from me)
Her " I am changing roles soon and I am just curious how my life will change"
Me "Are you becoming a mother?"
Her "No I am getting married and I am just not sure about taking on this new role as a mother and wife"
Me "Well I was a wife for a few year before becoming a mother, it is all great... pretty great" (is this sufficient enough counsel to get you on your merry and strange way?)
Her "Well your daughter is cute" (Her getting I am not interested in sharing the details of my personal life with strange her in asile 16)

Perhaps our world would be a better place if we all looked for and took advice from those we meet as we run errand about our day, but to me it was a little akward, and a little sad. I hope this seemingly normal gal had somewhere else to turn for advice and life guidance than a woman shopping for dish soap. Perhaps she could get a blog where family and friends could come together and share with her, her hopes and dreams. If you are, like her, thinking of asking the next random stranger you meet whether or not you should change jobs, break up with your girlfriend, have a third child, or get a nose job don't do it. You can ask me. I know you and could offer advice- I don't know everything, but I am sure to offer something more constructive than the person behind you at the bank.


Anonymous said...

Dang, and that is where I get all my best advice. Just Kidding! I can't believe she stopped you like that. Never know maybe it was your sweet spirit and special glow that made her just know you would have the special answer just for her. Sounds like she caught you on a good day. Good thing she didn't run into me at an overcrowded, unfriendly Walmart after a tough teenager day because she would not have gotten half the love from me that she got from you! ;>

Joe said...

I think some more find out questions from you would have been appropriate. You did do social work in the past didn't you? Maybe she had no other place to turn to as well as felt threatened by her significant other to do some things that she just wasn't comfortable with and you just tried to brush her off. We will never know her true situation nor her choice and the outcome. I hope you can look yourself in the mirror and based on your expert training just be A okay with the brush off. LOL JK.

She definitely shouldn’t have been at Wal-Mart looking for LIFE ANSWERS and she must always remember. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!

Crystal said...

You can always count on some great and funny comments from Arizona. I got your message joe- no worries, I can totally take a joke especially when it is Cutting, clever and posed to strike at the core of my identity... that is another joke.

Jonathan Canlas said...

not related to your post but, thanks for reading!

The Tomlinsons said...

Don't ya love WalMart? You never know what you'll find there!