Monday, June 16, 2008

She IS Part Canine

We all know that Kate loves dogs, and I admit to using this love to my own advantage. For example when Kate is cranky I let the dog in the house, that usually cheers her right up. I even let Cola "babysit" Now before you judge me what I mean is give Kate a handful of Chex to feed the dog through a sadly ghetto hole in the kitchen screen door while I make dinner. This wonderful parenting technique... can I call it that?... does have it side effects as it seems that hole is getting bigger and bigger and now apparently big enough to fit a 14month old human through. Yes Kate has created her own doggie door and used it today for the first time :( I ran over to stop here but she was quick as a puppy and made it all the way outside onto the deck before I could stop her so all that was left to do was take a picture. I feel like this post really highlights both my bad parenting skills and the run-down-ness of our home but I had to post it because I am pretty sure it is the funniest thing that has happened around here in days.


The Kay Family said...

It's not bad parenting. . . it's what I call "creative parenting" and wisely choosing your battles!! She seems to be having a great time so why spoil it for her, huh??

amy + jeff said...

So I know that hole in your screen is because of my dog, but one of my favorite things about Kate is her excitment over the animals, and I am glad I could help her get closer to her best Cola friend

Anonymous said...

This looks like you created a wonderful memory. Seems like creative parenting to me. She looks like she's have a fantastic time and that is all that matters

DawnTreader said...

Bad parenting begins when you allow her to eat and drink from Cola's bowls. Until then, it's all fair game. :)

Polliwog said...

I love this post. I hope you're keeping these as journal entries. Kate gets cuter every time I see a photo. And I must say, I love the term "creative parenting". I'm going to apply it to some of my own less maintstream "techniques". :)

Unknown said...

I like the dog bowls in the picture. They realy complete the picture.

The Tomlinsons said...

I loved reading this, still laughing. You are a great mom!