Thursday, March 18, 2010

What the Day Brings.

Today the saga of my eye problems continued with a trip to the local optometrist.
It was a ridiculous event. What was ridiculous?
Was it the fact that I will likely need surgery again?
Was it the fact that the optometrist referred to me as a MIDDLE AGED woman?
Was it the $100 eye drops I had to buy that will hopefully stave of blindness?

Nope it was the overweight 55 year old male waiting in the lobby that made everything I said (and to the receptionist- I surely was not talking to him) in to a sexual innuendo.
And not it that kind of funny- I'll let that slide- Micheal Scott- kind of way.
More in the you are so creepy- I think you are trying to hit on me- gross- sort of way.
Even if I was middle aged at 27.
This could never be appropriate.
Or not disgusting.

In other problems un-related to eyes or creepy optometry patients.
I think we may have a binky problem?

Other things of today-
Jake and I have a family motto for the year-
"Come what may- and love it"
This includes pulling over when you see a sign advertising Chicks for Sale.
And this includes laughing when the children take everything out of every cupboards in the kitchen.
What's for dinner?
Mmmmmm. Children. Yes they are grilling up themselves.
Without any prompting from me.
Some days are just so random.


Reynolds said...

Sorry about the eyes, but especially creepy man. Totally love what's cookin' at your house, though. So cute!!

Sarah Larsen said...

Ok your eye doctor story was cracking me up! Also- I love the cute Dr. Suess party you threw!!

Unknown said...

What a day!

The Tomlinsons said...

If you're middle-aged then I am, too. Great. I still feel like I'm an 18 year old senior in high school! I didn't know you had eye surgery. Yucky, I'm sorry! And double yucky for the nasty guy!