Monday, March 29, 2010

Hot and Not so Hot.

Things I am really loving.
1. Spring.
We spent almost two hours outside today. Playing at the park, blowing bubbles, going on a walk. I am so anxious to get outside and work in the yard. Our Zucchini start from last weeks preschool is already about to outgrow it cup on the kitchen window sil. I am sure it won't stick around- both the spring or the desire to weed. What a shame. I am also loving SmartDraw and have used their free download to detail weeks of back breaking backyard work hopefully coming soon.
2. Reading.
This week I am reading two books from the Orson Scott Card Women of Genesis series, and a Goodman novel- Intuition. Partially because Jake informed me he would be working late some nights this week, and partly because I always going on a reading spurt in the Spring. I usually don't read a single book October through February. Then March hits and I can't get enough. I read anything I can find, reserve books at the library, have a steady stream of books coming to my door via Amazon, and easily read three novels a week. It slows and by September I am down to two a month- then no reading until Spring again. I think the reading feast after famine is actually what drew my attention to the fact that I am going blind.
3. Allen's Camera.
I had a problem with my SLR on Sunday. Yes the very same SLR camera, I spent nearly three years saving and planning to buy. I was freaking out about it. Well of course I was, do you know me? First thing this morning I drove down to Orem. Allen's fixed the problem in about two minutes, free of charge and with a smile.... and I didn't even purchase the camera there. They are just awesome. And here is a tip for you too. If you are not a faketogropher like me and everyone else who owns an SLR- Allen's hand corrects your prints for you during printing, and they have cheap classes too. If I wasn't a loyal customer already (and I was) their service today convinced me to never leave (or shop at Best Buy).

Things that are no so hot.
1. Twenty year old cashiers and waitresses calling me "Hun".
I have been called "Hun" more than three times this past week. And not by someone appropriate like my spouse or grandmother. Really? I am obviously older than you. Maybe it is hard to tell with the oh I don't know two children and husband in tow. Are you trying to be demeaning? Do you think that because you are helping my find the garage door aisle at Home Depot that you are smarter than me... because you are not. Are you even allowed to drive yet? Are people training you to call people older than you "hun". Is this suppose to be cute? I would prefer "ma'am". No seriously I would.


The Mother Huddle said...

Oh I so here you on the hun thing!! Twice this week!
And thanks for the Allen'd camera tip...I need to take some classes. I'll tell them you sent me.

The Tomlinsons said...

Oooo, "hun" or "ma'am," I don't know which is worse! Gone are the days where people called us "miss!"