Sunday, March 14, 2010

Disney on Ice

I took Kate to Disney on Ice this past week. I feel like I am finally getting to a point where I can pay as much attention to Kate again as I do to Sam- since he is getting older now. I have missed my little buddy.
We invited my mom, Amy and Kaylie to come along with us as well. A real girls night out.

I tried to tell Kate what we were going to, but she didn't understand. I kept saying a show and she thought we were going to the movies. Then I told her it was a party show and she still didn't understand why you dressed up.Of course we dressed up the girls. Kate was Cinderella. I even let her put a ton of my make up on. She wanted to dress in her snow white dress ups- but we are missing most of that, so I told her she had to find it if that is what she wanted to be. After making her look for ten minutes she said to me "okay lets just be CinderELLA." It paid off when we got to meet Cinderella.
Grandma spoiled them with a souvenir. Kate was a little weary of the wand, but then she warmed up to it and kept talking about how she wanted to let Sam play with it when we got home. She seemed to miss her brother the whole time- commenting about how other people had brought their baby brothers and asking why Sam did not get to come. It was very sweet.
Waiting for the show together. Kate actually spent the entire show in my lap so she could she better.
Tears of joy- or maybe her eyes are watering because she refuses to blink. Favorite parts of course included Ariel, Ariel with Sebastian, and the sea horses... in the Little Mermaid. Oh and the snow at the end. She even picked up some "snow flakes" to bring Dad at home. There were three other Disney movies featured- but Kate remains loyal to her first favorite The Little Mermaid. I will admit I had tears of joy too just watching her be so excited.


DC Diva said...

That is so neat. Disney really is magical, isn't it?

amy + jeff said...

What fun. Kay is still talking about it. I am jealous you have some good pictures of you and Kate, do you have any ofme and Kay?

Lakeside said...

very fun!

The Tomlinsons said...

Oh how fun! We took Leah to Disney on Ice when she was Kate's age and she sat glued to the show (and her bucket of popcorn) for the entire 2 hours! What a fun night for you guys!