Friday, March 5, 2010


Goodbye world-we likely will not return to the world of people and places for at least another week. Looks like my buccaneers are battling RSV. It turns out I am pretty much willing to let my kids do anything as long as they will let be put them down and not cry anymore. Including turning the living room furniture into Kate's custom pirate ship. Captian Snot Face and 1st Mate Cranky Pants have entertained themselves for a least thirty minutes with this idea.

Looks like 1st mate cranky pants has been thrown overboard into the crashing waves. Here is to getting better and putting the "loving room" what Kate calls the living room- back together. And trying to stay sane.


Amy said...

Ugggghh! So sorry... We fought that battle right after Christmas and it wasn't very fun. Good luck and here's to a fast recovery!

Ming said...

So who passed it to who in California? I just heard Anna has RSV & pneumonia. What's with you Freemans always getting each other sick? I'm so sorry...sick kids are so sad. Here's to a fast recovery.