Sunday, March 21, 2010

Discovery Saturday.

Saturday was a day of discovery for our kids. Until mid afternoon they discovered what it was like to be without a mother. I had some things to do in Salt Lake including a shower to throw for my sister-in-law. I enjoyed the party, but it was strange to be away from the kids for so long. With driving to West Jordan, an errand, setting up, the shower, and clean up with a little extra girl talk, it was almost 6 hours mid day sans children.
We decided Jake and the kids could meet me at the Gateway.
We wanted to try out the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum.
I have used passing myself off as one of my sisters before, and it paid off this time again. Using a membership pass with photo ID is not a problem when you have an identical twin.

The museum- though maybe a little old still for our family- was still a lot of fun. We got some big smiles out of this girl riding a fake horse.
Kate is a little suspicion of a sandwich we have created at the fake deli.
Sam likes it though. Of course he tried to actually eat everything.

Riding cars.
Kate enjoyed the building site a lot. And she was not intimidated one bit that it was mostly full of boys a few years older. In fact when a seven year old tried to take a block from her- she let him know she was using it.
To document that both Jake and I were there as well. Just usually carrying around a not-so-interested one year old.

We spent the last twenty minutes of our visit in this green ball garden.
We discovered some other things too.
Like that Kate was a knack for dressing herself like she is me in the fourth grade- mid 1980.
Complete with some aerobics moves. Nice.

And Sam finally discovered that he can stand erect. Once he discovered this he spent the next thirty minutes doing it over and over again. Usually a free stand pushing himself off from the floor, but sometimes using a person to help himsel get standing.
No steps yet. But at least there is an interest in not crawling on all fours.

1 comment:

The Tomlinsons said...

Sounds like a fun day! I love that you used Amy's pass!

If you plan a SoCal trip this summer/fall like you said you might, let me know! (My husband thinks you and Amy should buy one annual pass to Disneyland and share it between the two of you!)