Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tagged Again... All About Jake

Keysha tagged me with this Husband Tag. I am happy to comply because I think my husband is great, and perhaps there are just not enough posts about him to date. Don't fret fellow bloggers, i will not pass this tag along. I tried to include a picture, but realized that I only take pictures of Kate, I resolute to make sure I am snapping shots of our entire family this year. The last picture I had of Jake by himself, was his law school graduation almost two years ago, oh well!

What is his name? Jacob Ray Freeman
How long have you been together? 4.5 years of marriage. Almost six years together.
How long did you date? One year and 3 months, with some bumps in the middle.. this feels like " All About Dating Jake" so far
How old is he? 28, 29 in March.
Who eats more? Jake- thank goodness, but not by a ton.
Who said I love you first? Jake did, both the first time we dated, and the second.
Who is taller? Jake has me by about 7"
Who can sing better? No question it is Jake...the perfect baratone
Who is smarter? Jake is no question there either. He is the smartest person I know... no this is feeling like "all about why my husband is better than me"
Who does the laundry? Finally a point in my corner. Me, but when we were both working we shared this duty equally.
Who pays the bills? I write the checks, but Jake is the one suppling the money
Who sleeps on the right side? I do, but this has changed several times, Jake is happy to conform when I choose a new side.
Who cooks dinner? I do now, but we shared this equally when we both worked too.
Who drives? Jake usually. I drove a whole 2 hours of our 26 hour California drive, mostly because I have car enduced narcolepsy, and I don't see as well will me eye that had surgery
Who is more stubborn? Jake would say it was me, but I think it depends on the situation. Jake can be stubborn too.
Who kissed who first? Jake kissed me first, on our fourth date, only he had to ask me to walk him to his door- so obviously- because I was driving and just going to drop him off at his house because it was late.
Who asked who out first? Jake did.... well funny you should ask, actually one of our friends asked me out for him, not that he is that shy it is just how it happened.
Who proposed? Jake did on April 11, 2003 on a mountain ledge, where he sang me a song he wrote about me, it was a total suprise, but not really because he had been acting strange and I could tell he had been lying to me about his whereabouts etc all week so I knew something was up. Although he proposed first, we had already been shopping for houses together, and I had scheduled the temple.
Who has more friends? Jake has more close friends, I have more casual friends, but I would also say Jake is a better friend.
Who is more sensitive? This is a no brainer. I used to joke that Jake had two ways, Jake and Jake slightly annoyed. Meaning he rarely gets angry, sad, or even really happy. He cried more when we were dating, but in 4.5 years of marriage I think I have seen him cry two times. So me, I tear up at commercials almost every day
Who has more siblings? Jake 7 to 5 plus several of his siblings are married so his family is much bigger.
Who wears the pants? We each have control over certain realms of our family life, I think this is how it should be. We make decisions together, but usually I decide most of the small things and let Jake decide more of the big things.

That was a fun little get to know Jake, if you don't. Although it just doesn't even come close to capturing his greatness, like where is the question about how he works hard everyday without much complaint while I get to sit at home and have fun with Kate, or how he can do anything without prior experience on his first attempt, like build anything, or be perfect at a new sport or hobby, it is almost a little irritating. Love you Jake!


Joe said...

I have to say this kid Jake sounds like a keeper. He is the sweetest man I know. Never saying anything negative and always his heart into everything he does. Love you man!

KEYSHA said...

Love it! I think this is a fun TAG because we get to find out about the husbands....(who rarely make an appearance on our blogs!)

Anonymous said...

I read Crystal's description of Jake and these great comments and have to agree, HE IS A KEEPER!!!!Jake is an amazing son-in-law and I couldn't have picked a more perfect companion for Crystal- they make a great pair. It is so much fun to watch the two of them with Kate.

Crystal and Jake said...

yeah for mom anderson, she learned how to comment on the blog!

Unknown said...

Mark and I really enjoyed reading about him too!