Friday, March 14, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow?

One of the projects on my list this week was to get my starts started, for my garden of course. I have not had a garden since we moved. In the Prov I had a lovely little garden where without a lot of work I managed to grow several varieties of tomatoes, squash, corn, onions, beans, peppers, and even carrots. With the ever rising price of produce, who can afford not to. But as you can see from the picture of where my garden patch should be, it is at the moment a blizzard outside. So my seedlings will have to wait patiently in the kitchen window for now.


The Kay Family said...

I can't believe that you still have that much snow still!! It's crazy! Good job on getting your sprouts started early. I guess gardening here in FL is a little tricky and you have to do boxes or something. I definitely want to learn more because I think it is SO worthwile. I can't wait to see pictures of your garden in the spring and summer!

Amy said...

You're so good to do your own starts! I always just buy them, but it's so much more economical to do your own. Do you always have good luck with them?

Tanya Quinn said...

You are amazing! I have a brown thumb. Everything I touch dies and it has become very discouraging. Probably because I spend such a small amount of time at home. One of my long-time goals is to change that about myself. You're great!

Crystal and Jake said...

I should add that I am not sure what success I will have with these starts as the weather here is said to be a lot tricker for gardening than Utah County. We will see. Also I do buy starts to, of my tomatoes and green peppers. I can't get these to work from starts, I think because the growing season is just not long enough.

Unknown said...

Way to get on the ball with those little seeds! They'll need all the help they can get in that cold country!

errin julkunen-pedersen said...

I really wish I could garden. We have just a small plot in front of the house. It's mostly flowers, not much room for veggies and such. I have an intense desire to be a green thumb though, because I'm convinced that in the last days people are worthless unless they know how to build, grow or kill. At this point, I am totally useless in all of these categories...

Anonymous said...

When we lived in AZ before I had a garden at each house we lived and I loved to garden. I never could get the hang of it in NM and I have procrastinated now that we are back. Thank you for the inspiration, now I just need the time!