Thursday, March 13, 2008

March Madness

On the news this mornings, they mentioned that March Madness is just around the corner. My thoughts, I know why the call it March MADness. Say goodbye to your attentive husband, and anything you hoped to watch on television for the next several weeks. The only thing good that ever has come of this Basketball ritual, is that once I bet Jake a car detail based on bracket points and won. If you find yourself widowed to college sports soon you can give me a call and we can commiserate together. Here is to hoping the teams he is rooting for loose early on!


Polliwog said...

Argh! I completely agree. It's already started, too, as some of the "important games" that could influence rank were winding up. I just grit my teeth and try to get through it somewhat cheerfully. I mean, I don't even mind a game or two (if they don't interfere with something decent on TV), but one after the other after the other? No, thanks.

Keysha said...

You nailed it....March means TV domination. I guess the only thing to do is get into a bit yourself....

Unknown said...

I was just hoping that march madness meant more snacks for me and maybe we'd even go and visit Dave and Emily for a game or two. Anything to break the usual, though as it nears the end I am usually glad it's almost over.

Joe said...

This year without tv I will only get to hear the scores the day after the games on the radio while I drive around between clients. I quess it is still better not to pay homage to a tv or to games that don't have anything to do with my exhaltation, yet it would be nice to atleast see a game or 2.