Monday, March 24, 2008

I am, I am, the Luckiest

So I have never been that lucky, in fact I would say I was unlucky. I never win anything. I enter contests and drawings not even minding that I will probably get a lot of spam, but I don't win, I don't even get the spam. When I was in high school I got hundreds of free raffle tickets at an event because I got bit by the python they had at the "petting zoo " and still didn't win anything at the raffle. I entered a blog contest just the other day, just for a cake pan that only like 53 people entered and didn't win. Anything that can go wrong often does, and once one thing goes wrong, everything goes down hill. I am not really pessimistic, I just am not very lucky. Well all that changes today folks! 101.9 The End had a text in and win contest this weekend. On the way to the Terry's on Friday I text in a few times to win. I am not good at texting and it took me a long time to get it to work. Jake thought I was wasting my time. But somehow out of 18,600 entries, 3 people won Ben Folds Tickets and one of them was me!!! Can You believe it. I hardly can!!! I am so excited! Jake and I love the Ben! I am sure you will hear all about it on after April 23 when the concert takes place!!! If I was smart and wasn't so excited I would have saved them as a birthday suprise for Jake, but I was too excited and already called to tell him. I am not sure what is more exciting, the tickets, or the fact that I actually won something!


errin julkunen-pedersen said...

Whoa! Awesome! Maybe now you'll turn into a lucky person, though you already are--well, maybe not so much lucky as blessed, but you know...

Ali said...

Hooray that rocks! I am so glad that all that texting you did Friday payed off. Oh and by the way I have one of Kate's yellow socks at my house.

Crystal and Jake said...

That is true Errin, I am blessed, I shouldn't complain.

Ali- I am glad you found that sock, I was wondering where it went.

Polliwog said...

Hey! We are actually going to be in town and are going to the concert too. I *think* Scott is going too (and Matt). We can go together if you want? We paid for our tickets, though. :( Hooray for winning!

DawnTreader said...

I can't believe it! All that hard work paid off!

Crystal said...

That is awsome that you guys are going too Em- We should definatley plan together! Are you guys coming for Lisa graduation, to see Matt before he leaves. Cal and Doris are going to be here then as well, what fun so many visitors.

Emily said...

Congrats on the tickets! It should be a great concert. Your little girl is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you got to win something. Espeically since it is something you will enjoy so much! Congrats!

Meagan said...

CONGRATS!!! I never win anything either. There was even a time when I enter some raffle and there were like 20 prizes to give away and 22 people that entered. I was one of the 2 that didn't get drawn. Ha ha!! Oh well- I figure I'm lucky in life in many other prospects! That concert will be fun!

Amy said...

That's awesome, CONGRATS! I still listen to 101.9 online from Idaho (pathetic, maybe... but I don't like the radio stations here) and always want to enter their contests. I won a hundred bucks in a contest from 101.9 last year and until then I thought I would never win anything!

Unknown said...

So, I know this is a bit late, but I haven't checked your blog in a while. And I wanted to remind you that I was holding that python that bit you! Good times...

Christie and I are very jealous that you got to see Ben Folds. We would have been there, too, but had something else that night we had to be to.