The Team has been busy lately. The kids were sick and then I have been showing the house a ton. Almost everyday lately and that can be exhausting leaving no time for blogging.... so we are behind a bit. Here is a quick recap of the past two weeks. Kate and Sam are still getting cuter by the day. Love this shot of Samuel above. It looks like he is shooting me a "whaz up" as he relaxes in his chair. Kate will be Two on Thursday (and is learning how to pose for the camera) and I can't think about it or else it makes me cry. I always say to Jake..." That is 1/9 of the time she will live with us" It is going by too fast.

Sam learned to suck his thumb. and no Sam doesn't always sit in this chair like my pictures may depict.

We celebrated my wonderful Husband's birthday. I threw him a suprise party- fiesta theme, complete with Mexican Food, Mexican Soda, a Pinata, and some sombrero's. I can't believe he is 30 now... and never looked better might I add. I have tons of hilarious pictures from this and really should give it its own post.

We went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. It was pretty neat, especially for kids of course. Kate enjoyed the dinosaurs but wouldn't go near this shark and is yelling because Jake is taking her near it. How does she know that sharks are scary... just the other day she was in love with them???

I'll try to be more on top of it posting wise, because you all missed out on a ton of fun stuff.
Team -OUT!
Let's see. How does she know sharks are scary? Maybe it's the gaping chasm of a mouth. Maybe it's the bazillion sharp teeth? Maybe it's that this particular shark is like 20x the real size? :) No dummy, that girl.
Happy birthday, Jake! What a lucky man to have a party like that. I might copy that idea for D.
How is the house selling going? We need a whole post on that.
JAKE IS 30!?!!? WHAT?
How is this possible? I mean, that means Scott is 30! That means I'm almost 30... yikes. I hate this idea.
Lets go back to our West side of P-town days. Settlers? 24? Such innocent times. None of this 30 business.
I ditto Jeff's comment. Also, love the fiesta theme party..can't wait for more pics on that. That first pic of Sam is adorable! Yes, more details on the selling of the house please. Also, if you do sell where are you going?!!
What fun! For the record, I am scared of sharks too.
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