Monday, September 14, 2009

Summer Picnic Storyboard

What did Wednesday's this summer look like? Noon time picnics at a psuedo park near Jake's work. We use to try to go on picnics at real parks but Kate would never eat and we had to spend the whole time pushing her on the swings. So we found this grassy area complete with trees and picnic bench behind the county building just a block from Jake's office. Not only was there room for Kate to run around and play, and a table to eat at, nobody seemed to ever be using it and there was plenty of shade.

Kate loves roast beef from Arby's.... even though she calls it turkey. Arby's was often the picnic food of choice because Kate will eat it.
Here the family eats at the table they refinished, we like to think just for us. Jake knows some of the ladies that work at this office. I know they saw us out here each week. The table was old and needed some work, then we came one week and it was gone, then it reappeared the next week sanded and painted like new.
Samuel is there too, a fairly passive participant in the picnic.
Oh and there are sticks there too. She looks like quite the warrior with that blood (BBQ sauce mom failed to clean off her) all over her hands.
Kate loves to climb this tree.
Chatting with this guy mid day makes any day better.
Summer Picnic Wednesday you will be missed.


LaCee Clayburn said...

That is a great idea! Maybe next year Chan and I will have to steal it and do the same with our little guy! You guys always have so much fun!

Ming said...

So fun! I wish Jeff's work was close enough to justify a one a week picnic day. We used to do this so much more in college.

Unknown said...

I want a summer wednesday picnic too!