Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Run Down

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I am not sure why. Maybe it is because its only reason is fun. Which is exactly what we had planned for the weekend... lots of scary fun. What we were most afraid of this Halloween however ended up being the swine flu. Kate woke up Thursday with what we thought was H1N1. Turns out she- and then Jake and I- just had some other seasonal flu (see why I don't believe in flu shots), but enough fevers and snot to warrant canceling most of the partying. I was disappointed, for Kate, and for myself, but our quiet sick weekend in turned out to still be fun.

We carved one pumpkin. The least amount of pumpkins our household has ever had despite the fact we have more actual people in our family than ever before. Samuel just got to chew on carrots and watch. Kate helped draw on the face- refused to touch the goop, and demanded we make him look ANGRY.

My first attempt at a spooky dinner. I think it will be a new tradition in years to follow.
We had blood soup with eyeballs ( tomato soup with cheese and olives), witch fingers (carrots with almond fingernails) slime monsters (jello in a baby food container with googly eyes), mummies in blood (hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls with ketchup), magic potion (Dr. Pepper) and ghost cookies (nutter butters in white chocolate)
It was so fun to do. I love making food that looks special. It actually was not the most delicious meal, but that didn't really matter as much to me.
Remember how Jake and I are incredibly into costumes. Well this year we didn't even have one. I meant to take a picture all night of us, sitting in our regular clothes so I could compare it to previous years where we are almost unrecognizable. How pathetic. At least the kids turned out super cute.
Trying to reuse a bear costume we had from Kate, I came up with making it into Cosmo the mascot for BYU and Kate could be a cheerleader. It took a little convincing to get her to not want to just be an elephant from last year, but once I showed her the pom poms she got into it.
We trick or treated at all of three houses. We tried six, but most people weren't home. The kids got the idea, and enjoyed it.

Cuddling one tired Cosmo the Cougar.
Once the kids were off to bed Jake and I watched the 1978 remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. With our expectations set low, we were pleasantly surprised.
All in all our sick Halloween turned out just fine.


Ming said...

I love that Halloween is your favorite holiday too! It really is a fabulous holiday. I always get so giddy like a kid.

Your spooky food turned out great & even though you were sick (bummer)sounds like you made the most of it.

Sam as a cougar & Kate as a cheerleader was adorable!

Joe said...

Halloween is the GREATEST. I'm glad you guys had so much fun.

The Tomlinsons said...

I love the costumes! So cute. What great ideas for the food. Nothing better then spoooookyyyyy food.

Ok, you look a little scary with that knife...

The Mother Huddle said...

k that top picture was priceless! Love it.

Natalie said...

WOW! You are so talented. I can't believe the dinner you made for HAlloween. That takes patience. Your kids look adorable.

Horner Family said...

You are so creative! So super cute, I love it!! I will definitely be saving this idea for future. I'm sorry you were all sick, I hope you are all doing better. Also, thank you for your awesome submission on doing Slime...this is going to get to long, I'll send you an email. :-)