Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh How I Love Halloween!

Because it is just possible I may love Halloween more than most anyone, we threw a Halloween party. It was Saturday- early- as to not crash our own kids Halloween. It was a lot of work, but tons of fun.

My favorite part of a party is actually the prep. I love decorating and cooking and putting everything together. And if it is all about my favorite Holiday- even better.

The Food-
Skeleton Cupcakes.
Eye ball punch
7 Body Parts Layer Dip

FrankenBride Cake made by Lisa- Those Freeman's know cake.

Not pictured-
Witch fingers,
Moldy Bread,
Pumpkin Bread
Halloween candy,

The Decor-

Have I mentioned that I like scary Halloween- not cute Halloween.

Saturday afternoon, a few hours before party time I decided to turn the hallway into a spook alley. It worked pretty well and was fun to do. I think it is a repeat.
Jake came up with our costumes- as he does every year. He is so sweet to let me splurge to throw fun parties, perfect costumes and spend my time doing whatever Halloween prep I want.
The Freeman's- Karl and Ellie from Up
We completed the Saver's found attire with a dozen balloons, hand crafted grape soda pins, and an adventure book. We love Halloween. We go all out. Next time we will not spray our hair color though. We each took four showers and were still scrubbing paint off in the sink 10 minutes before church yesterday.

The Guests-
The Babies- A Cuddly Bear and Tiger Lily- complete with synthetic braids.

The Carpenter's- Peter Pan & Captain Hook.
I need them to email me a picture of them- I took like 8 picture of them, but with their camera not mine.
Awarded- Exceeded our Expectations Award
Because Jeff told me he wasn't dressing up, and then he came in a hook, perfect burgundy coat and waist lenght black hair.
The Sim's- A Pilot a Steward.
Awarded- Best Cross Dressing Award.
Because in real life Rodney is the Pilot, but perhaps Lisa should be, because she looked adorable in the pilot uniform.
The Ensslin's - Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf
Awarded- Somehow both the Ugliest and Sexiest Costume Award
Because well... obviously. Dee is always super hot, Drew is normally good looking himself, but not with a wolf mask, gross hair glued everywhere, and a tragic Moo Moo.
The Lind's- Lugi and Mario. Sadly Mario is a nurse and was called off to work just a minute from our house, with her thik italian eyebrows already painted on.- so sad.
Awarded- Best Last Minute Award. These two called me at 3:00 pm to say they were planning on coming and were going to start working on their costume. That means they pulled off Nintendo Perfect in less than 3 hours.
The Terry's- Mrs. Pac Man Arcade Game
Awarded-We Would Have Never Thought of That Award
Because we just barely watched "The King of Kong" and it was hilarious, but we still didn't think of turning an arcade game into a Halloween costume. So creative.
The Pearson's- Mr And Mrs Potatoe Head
Awarded- Best Overall Costume.
I mean their eyes and lips and hats were all interchangeable! Had I not known them well enough to recognize the way they walk, I might not have known who was underneath.

The Games-
We planned a Halloween characters challenge. men vs. women.
Challenge 1: The Spider Challenge- get all your players through a super size spider web without touching the web or using the same passage way twice.
Challenge 2: The Vampire Challenge- All players work together to drink entire pitcher of vampire's blood.
Challenge 3: The Mummy Challenge- Wrap a team member entirely in toilet paper.
Challenge 4: The Bat Challenge- Using only one roll of duct tape, suspend a team member to the wall for 10 seconds.
This was my favorite part of the party. I think next year I will think of more Halloween character challenges.
The boys won. Though their ten seconds in air videoed seemed more like 3. Just saying.
And a little eyeball ping pong to finish of the night.

And we still have two weeks of Halloween season to go!

My Mom was a Halloween super hero literally.
She let me host this party in her basement. The theater seemed perfect for scary movie fest.
She lent me tons of Halloween lights.
She threw a party for our kids and their cousins at our house so they could be both babysat and not feel ripped off they missed out on the party I had been talking about all week.
The dressed in costumes, made pizzas, did Halloween crafts, and watched a movie my glow stick light. Sounds almost as good as our party!


Ming said...

LOVE it! Looks like so much fun! Your costumes are perfect (as usual). Our party is in a couple of weeks...I really need to get planning. I'm so behind this year. Love all the details of your party!

PS I like scary not cute Halloween too :)

DeeAnn said...

and another awesome halloween party it was! So glad you decided to have one! Love you!! :)

Janalyn said...

It was a rockin' party! I going to be very very prepared next year when you have the next one! You guys are good party hosts for sure!

Janalyn said...
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DC Diva said...

This is AMAZING! LOVE the costumes and all the details. How great is Scott as Luigi?!? And that Mr. & Mrs. Potatoe Head? Genius! You & Jake's costumes are so cute and just perfect. Great games!

Remember when we'd party together?

We miss you guys!