Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Miracle

We had a Sunday Miracle today.

It started when all four of us were seated in Sacrament Meeting before it began at 9:00 am.
I am a prompt person normally, but this was the 1st week since the new year time that we have made it before the meeting began. Way to go Team.
Not only did we make it on time, we had about ten minutes to spare at home, we all got breakfast, I only had to do Kate's hair once, and Jake managed to throw some dinner in the crock pot so we didn't have to eat Spaghetti O's when we returned at noon.

I would count this as an A+ for Sundays already.

For Sacrament-
We sat in our row and did not leave with one child or the other . Not for potty breaks, not for drinks, not for general unruliness.
They both were relatively behaved, aside from singing along to some musical numbers which I deem more adorable then reprehensible.
We also managed to leave the row as we found it.
When I say this, what I mostly mean is that we didn't have to fetch the vacuum quickly before moving on to our next meeting because one or more children smashed popcorn, bread, crackers or whatever else they had for a snack into the carpet like we had to last week.

Both children happily ran to their classes. This is more usual than unusual, but it added to our perfect score.

Jake and I sat together through the 2nd hour Sunday school.
Then the stars really aligned.
It was our ward conference, and not only did neither one of us have to teach, the stake leaders taught and combined young women and young men together.
Meaning that Jake and I were able to sit together for the 3rd hour as well.
There is no question that this was a 1st and very unusual to sit uninterrupted through 3 complete hours of church together.

I'm not expecting a repeat of this miracle anytime soon.
Just enjoying it for today.


Janalyn said...

That is so lucky for you! Our sacrament meeting didn't go as well! I guess you are going to just have to teach me your tricks!

Polliwog said...

I've noticed that phenomenon ... everything starts to seem a bit easier before the next baby comes along. And you start wondering, "What was I thinking?! I'm going to start the chaos over again!"

I bet you're going to have more of those calm before the storm experiences before the new one arrives.