The kids together. Kate uses a highlighter to draw a doll for a friend, and also color a page completely yellow and call it a world. Sam draws whatever you ask him happily, but it always looks like scribbling.
Kate daily dresses her brother in her clothing. When he protests and comes to me to get the offending dress/ flower shirt/ princess dress up off, Kate whines " but Mom... I wanted a sister"
Sam consistently requires the following items to go to sleep. A baba (it is actually a CARS sippy cup) a remote control train and remote, two toy tractors, two books, two blankies, two pacifiers, and occasionally a wind up train and a cat in the hat stuffed animal. When put to bed he quickly surveys his sleeping arrangement, identifies what you have not included, then requests them by name. Sometimes you think you can skip something, but then he wakes up at 2:00 am, notices and starts calling "Mama Tractor" repeatedly until you get up, search the house for the missing bedtime buddy and return it to him. Then he holds it close, and falls back to sleep.
The other night putting Kate to bed, I asked her if she wanted her music on. She requested her Primary songs, so she could practice for Primary. Then I asked her if she wanted me to read her a book, instead she grabbed The Friend magazine and said she would just read that herself. Okay sweet grown up child.
Sam talks a lot now. Some of his favorite words.
Candy, Juice, Soda, Tractor, CHOO-Choo,Hot, Dora, Dola (what he calls the dog Cola), car, book, baba, no, spicy,water, soft soft, help( which is usually used when he wants help getting food on his fork),boots, off.... He also has a few sentences... things like "I want it" "my tractor" "more juice" "boots off" He will not say "I love you" no matter how much you ask him too, instead he will give you a kiss. A lot of his words are about food and drinks.
He likes food and drink. When we sit down to dinner he starts hoarding all the food onto his plate before the prayer has been said. Yesterday he didn't think twice about taking all the kiwi I had cut up and putting it on his plate. He also always swipes food off my plate too.
Yesterday Kate got dressed. I had some warm up pants for her to wear. She said "Mom these are my running pants." "Now I can go running with Dad outside" "We can invite everyone and all go running with my fast running pants" Usually when she dresses herself she tries to dress in something yellow telling me she wants to wear my favorite color. Not her favorite color, which is pink and dark red.
Sam loves to clean lately. He is always getting the all purpose cleaner off the counter, then any towel (or shirt) he can get out of the laundry room, and starts spraying and wiping down everything. I always take the actual cleaner away and give him only water, but he knows the difference and throws a fit.
After dinner each night we read a few verses from the Book of Mormon together. The kids are required to be reverent through the reading, then at the end they repeat a verse together. It is hilarious listening to them try to say scripture words. Sam isn't even close and we can't understand what he is saying, but Kate is usually close to those big and awkward words and listening to her tongue twist. They wait patiently after they have said their verse for a reverence treat. Which is a small piece of candy- usually a dinner mint. It is amazing how long we can bribe them along for one small piece of candy.
As I write this the two of them have dressed themselves in boots, hats and coats, and have collected all the stuffed animals and babies in the house to create a zoo. They came down to tell me to come take a trip to the zoo, so I think now I will.
Today Sam got into the fridge and got some cheese out. He is not allowed to eat dairy, because it makes him sick, but he threw a huge fit so I gave up, after putting it back in the fridge four times, when he got it out again, I didn't take it away. I told him "fine eat that but you will get sick" . When Kate heard me she started balling. " I don't want Sam to be sick, I want him to be better" over and over again, with real tears for several minutes until I told her not to worry he would be alright.
Just wanted to give you a glimpse of my hilarious kids.
They make life so fun.... and funny.
They are so cute...I hope you are taking pictures of your boy in those girl will make for a lot of fun in a few years (when he is dating).
Cute kids! I thought Noah was the only crazy one! All Easton ever needed to sleep was his blanket - Noah is like Sam with a list a mile long of very specific items and books and blankets and water. I also have to say "love you Noah, night, night" if I forget the 'night night' he starts to yell after me... "mommy say ni ni Noah". Funny boys!
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