Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Being a Mom

Some days I feel like a pro at mothering.

Today I woke up at five- well a hungry baby woke me up. When she was full and back to bed, I baked muffins, did the laundry, mopped the floor, edited some pictures for my sister, and browsed around facebook and pinterest before the rest of the family woke up.
I managed to vaccum the house, run an errand, host a mutual activity, do more laundry, clean up the backyard before the snow covers everything, and get all three of my children's digital photo books up to date before the evenings end.
On top of it all, my children didn't fight too much and are hilarious and awesome- their latest adventures include making the living room chairs into a tent, getting flashlights and hiding from bears and other woodland animals, while sleeping in blankets and pillows they turn into sleeping bags. And did you see the video I posted of them quoting scripture? They are so awesome.
The new little one is a smiling fool too. We love it.
Oh and have I mentioned how I can now nurse a baby while walking up the stairs. I'm not saying it is the safest or smartest thing to be doing, but it is happening at least once a day around here.
You heard me.
Nursing while walking up the stairs.

Sometimes I don't feel like a pro at mothering.

Like last week when I attempted to run the errand I managed to do today. It was all I wanted to accomplish that day. So I loaded the kids in the car, drove to Provo with all three kids, unloaded the children out of the car and into a cart and walked into a store. 45 seconds at the store and the kids in and on the cart, knock it over, everyone falls out and is crying and hurt. Thankfully M is in her car seat and though her car seat falls to the tile floor and least she is protected. Sam is under the cart and Kate seems to be mostly unharmed. after I have determined there are no broken arms and find my cell phone which went flying under a display and of course console all the crying children, we walk back to the car and decide to try another day.
What was that.... 45 seconds in a store?
The best part. As we are driving home Kate whips out a princess hair clip and tells me " Look what I sneaked out of the store". Apparently she deemed the chaos the perfect time to swipe something she had her eye on. And instead of making her return it, I just take it away and tell her I will take it back another day.
I'm not going back to the store now, and not later either, not for an item that was less than a $1. How is that for great teaching moments to my children and awesome mothering?

You are welcome for the laugh.
I'm just grateful I had today.


Lindsay said...

That might be the funniest story I've heard in a year! That image may stick with me when I'm having my own less-than-pro-mothering days. :) 'look what I sneaked out of the store!'


The Tomlinsons said...

Hahaha!!! I had an incident identical to that at Old Navy when Logan was a baby! Turned my back for a second and there are my children and the cart sprawled on the floor, and everyone else staring at us! Thank goodness for the good days when everything does go right! Nursing up the stairs--definitely a skill worth mentioning!

Unknown said...

I love this post. I only have one kid and still feel like this!

Shelley Eggett said...

Ha Ha! I am laughing tears right now. Especially the barette part.