Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012

We had Marianne's 9 month check up today.
A bit early.
Her stats
Weight 21lbs- 87%
Height  28 in- 65%
Head 17.5 in 95%

Staying big.
That is my girl
It does my heart so much good to see her so healthy.

She crawls.  And crawls and crawls.  You can't keep her out of anything or anywhere.
She has started to try and climb the entertainment center.
She says lot of sounds but I believe her "mama" and "nigh nigh" are words she says and knows.
She started waving this week.
And is still the most delightful cherub evers.
Some say she is a trick to convince me to have more children.
And it is true.  If ever baby was as delightful as her, I would be willing to go through her horrible pregnancy again and again.  She brings me joy every day.
This year has brought a lot of challenges.  Moving was hard.  And my kids silly tummies that never work and make me worry and cause me so much work and stress make me sad.  But she brings joy to the house and especially to me.  She nurses with me in my bed four or five times a day.  We cuddle and play with her toes.
She giggles, and likes to be swung upside down.
And laughs so hard she can hardly breath daily.
She likes to eat, and nap.  She likes playing with her siblings.  And they like playing with her.
She has started patting us on the back like we do to her.
She squishes up her nose and makes faces at me- she copies me when she does.
She shares a room with her sister now, instead of Mom's closet.
But she still naps in the pack n play in my closet.  It is dark and quiet in there.
She loves the dog and being outside.  But she doesn't like the way the grass feels on her knees.
Saying I love her is the  understatement of the century.
We call her Marianne, MaryAndy, Maize Baby, Angel Baby, My Oso So So, Merry Mary, Mary Berry.

9 months all too fast.
She is more of a little person now than a baby.
She plays outside, and interacts with us.
She has a big girl room with her sister.
She wears clothes Kate didn't wear till she was at least 16 months old.
No more growing up!


lilybit said...

she IS growing up fast!

amy + jeff said...

How does she weigh more then my two year old.....although I pretty sure your five year old is lighter then my four year I guess we will call it even.