Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 16, 2012

We've been in Utah for the past week.
It has been eventful to say the least.
We were packed and on our way when we learned my Grandpa Daryl had passed away.
We had hoped to see him upon our arrival and were not so lucky.
Though strangely his passing made me feel a bit lucky.

Lucky to have been able to come as a family to his funeral and celebrate his life.  Had we not been already on our way for other reasons, I would have likely just come myself on a quick flight.  It was better to be all together.

Lucky to have such an awesome extended family.  Really it is a treat to get to visit with them all for the morning, even if it is for sober circumstances.  My cousins, aunts and uncles are basically the coolest folks I know.  Seriously.

Lucky to have a daughter partially named for this sweet grandpa- this is where "Andee" comes from as although Grandpa's name was Daryl Anderson- most people he knew just called him Andy.

Lucky to have been able to be his grandaughter and spend some much time with him through out my life.  He lived with our family growing up off and on, and even more recently with my parents while we lived just ten minutes away on the other side of town and were blessed to see him at many Sunday Dinners and such where he would tell me how my children were "such sweet blessings" as he patted them on the head.

The most personal memory I have of my grandfather was when I was about 16.  I composed my first piano number and it was very good, or so thought my 16 year old self.  I shared it with my grandfather- always a music lover and I knew he would love it. He not only loved it, but insisted I get a copy write on it lest anyone over hear and steal my soon to be famous song.  He continually reminded me of this and checked on the statues of this copywrite for the next 10 years. It made me feel pretty great.  And although I did not become a composer, the building his words did, definatley shaped my insecure young self.

We will miss grandpa, but we are so lucky to have known him and have his example to live by.

1 comment:

lilybit said...

such a cool memory.