Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

A post about Sam and nobody else.

Today is Kate's last day of school.  Somehow that also means and end to the special Sam and me time.
I haven't taken advantage of it nearly enough.
Kate goes to school, M goes to nap, and this boy is at my side.

This morning we actually had errands.
He buckles himself in the car and is oh so pleased to show me when I come around to buckle him in.
On the street from the car he sees a homeless man with a cross raised in the air
"what is the man doing with that X mommy?  he looks like a crazy guy"
"Is your birthday next mommy, what do you think you want for your birthday mommy"
Take the dog to the groomers.
As we take the dog in he knows what to do.  He tells me over and over again
"this is the dog haircut store"
A man has two dogs in his cart- his dogs just shopping with him.
"That man is buying TWO DOGS mommy"
We drop Cola off.  He reassures Cola, "it doesn't hurt Cola, she is scared mommy"
I go to leave the store.
"We didn't look at all the pets mommy.  I want to see the seagulls" (he means parrots)
Well of course.  Silly me.
The cats in cages first.  He remembers there were none last time.
To the fish
"I want this fish and this fish and this fish.... this fish is all by his self mommy"
To the hamsters.
"Look at the mouse and his training wheels mommy"
We finish and get back in the car.
We stop at Target to get a few things.
"Are we getting bananas mommy!"
I realize that last sentence should end with a question mark, but now when Sam is asking. There needs to be an exclamation question mark for this guy.
When he takes the bananas apart in the cart and I find them
" I sorry mommy"
We find popsicles molds.  We've been looking for them.
We are both excited.
On the way home "Moves like Jagger" comes on.
"is this moves like JAGGER MOMMY"
yes Sam, and he dances and wiggles all the way home "moves like jagger, moves like jagger moves like jagger under his breath"
The solo has nothing on the 15 minute singing nonesence into a microphone he did recently at the ward party to Rock Band though.
We get home.  Before the car is even unpacked or M down for a nap he has his chair puled to the counter waiting to help make the popsicles.
He is instantly at my side begging to help and sit on the counter whenever I cook anything.
Ever since the 1st day of Kate's school where I sat him on the counter and made scrambled eggs just he and I.  Now it is almost a problem.  He insists and throws fits if he is not sitting on the counter while I am cooking anything  and every time.  I need to appreciate it for what it is.
We made the popsicles.  He can't say enough about the colors of the mold sticks.  "I will have blue mommy and Kate will have purple and.... do you like green mommy?"
"Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy"  "There are getting all dried in the fridgerator mommy"
We take a picture together
"I'm your boy mommy"

And it is true.
I can't love the enthusiasm in his sentences enough.
I can't love that he ends them all, every single one, with "Mommy"
I love my boy

1 comment:

Alyse said...

This was SO sweet! I got a little emotional when he said, "I'm your boy mommy." That is such a cute moment! Thanks for sharing!