Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29, 2012

My kids are awesome.
That is the truth.
Lets start with this pretty girl. Marianne
Not only is she more adorable every day.
She is busy.  Busy Busy Busy.  I have a sprained wrist from wrangling her and all her chubbiness/ bouncing her for 12 straight hours on Sunday I swear.
She crawls speedy fast, and sticks her toungue out and shakes her head in a little dance, she climbs in the entertainment center, she pulls up on things to stand, and then lets go for just one second til she falls to the ground.  She says "Mama, Nigh Nigh, Dada" and Now "hi" but it is more of a "Huuu" with a cute little wave.  Then she claps at herself.

Sam my man had a sick day today.  To much Memorial Day food cheating.
He was whinny but still sweet.  He excitedly came with me to get the car washed.  All smiles and narration about what was happening.  He helped me clean while Kate was at school and M was napping "now it is all shiny and clean mommy" he says.
He is working on not whinning.  He says everything in a super whiny voice that makes my brain explode.  So I tell him to try again.  He says the same thing just softer and raises his eyebrows so he looks excited- but the voice sounds the same.  More practice needed.
Cleaning his room we find a paper he had colored and cut and hid in his closet for Mother's Day for me but forgot about.  He remembers instantly what it is and gives it to me and we hang it on my closet mirror.

Kate got five small  clear plastic animal figurines yesterday from my Mom.  She is in love with them. They are new but she can tell you what each animal is and what slight color tint each has to its ears.  She comes into my room and says "I'm going to give you one of my animals but you get what you get and you don't throw a fit"  I smile at her selflessness to give me one of her animals, I laugh at her quoting "you get what you get" and of course tell her it would make me happy if she kept them and we could play together.

Every night at dinner we do something called "Happy and Sad"  where each person says something that made them happy and something that made them sad for the day.  It is always fun to hear what each person has to say.  Sadly Kate and Sam's Sad thing is always that I yelled at them/ made them do a chore/ wouldn't let them play computer games.  I think the rules need to be changed.  Or I will be the subject of Sad Thing at Dinner for the next 15 years.

Tonight we finally finished the bike wash. It was not as super easy peasy as pinterest pretends.  But it is super awesome.  Sam hasn't warmed up to the idea yet.  Kate liked it but didn't love it.   She stands on one end with her shirt off making gorilla sounds and actions at M through the water. Jake tries to hold both Kate and Sam's hand and run through it, but they both bail on him last minute and he runs under alone.

Silly Kids.
But all asleep before 9pm.

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