Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012

A post about urine and flies.
.... and no, this is not written by a 8 year old boy.

I believe the door that goes out to the garage got left ajar today.
I was hurrying three kids into the car to deliver urine to the lab.
Because it is difficult for a five year old to pee in a cup.  And when she finally does you hurry it in, knowing that it won't be valid if you don't get it there within 30 minutes, and that it might be another week before you manage to get her to pee in that cup.
So the door gets left open because you left that job up to a three year old boy.

When we returned home there were twenty or more flies buzzing around the kitchen.
I won't lie.  There are usually one or two it seems.
Twenty was a lot.
Twenty was disgusting.

Perhaps they smelled the french dip roast I had in the crock pot and it lured them in.

I went to work killing them.
There are several methods for this.  The old fashion magazine swat.  The vaccum.  And the windex disabling spray.
I'm pretty bad at the swat.
Sometimes I like to vaccum them up, with the hose and extenter. But sometimes the noise scares them off.
Windex disabling spray is ideal. I actually don't use windex.  It is just the only generic word I can think off to say "all natural home made cleaner in a spray bottle." But I know that is what is inside.  So when it gets all over the house as I spray the flies down, I don't feel so badly about leaving cleaner residue all over the place.

I find the flies.  I spray them.  I spray them again.  And when they are unable to fly and partially drown I pick them up with a paper towel and throw them in the trash.

I'm not for animal cruelty.  But you know.... germs.
Me and germs don't get along.
You'd think I'd be over germs seeing as how I'm always doing things like collecting children's pee into cups.
But I'm not.


lilybit said...

sounds like life.

amy + jeff said...

Ha! You are so funny, seriously. Did you get that link to the parenting blog that was looking for writers, I sent you?

Amy said...

That's a lot of flies! I like your methods of removal though :)