Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5, 2012

 We spent the last 9 days or so in Utah. First with my family- which I will blog about soon. And then to St. George for a giant Freeman Family reunion. It was so much fun. There were several families of Freeman's all in the Crystal Inn. We mostly spent time with Jake's brothers and sisters and their families though. It was so fun... did I already say that. Here are some pictures of our family and our little trip together.

 We had all of Jake's family there except two nephews.
We spent most the time hanging out by the pool and chatting and corralling kids who loved playing together for hours endlessly.
Kate and Sam slept for more than two hours in the car ride home.
They never do that.   They are so worn out.  From sun and fun and running around.

I put this little video together last night while I was sitting in the hotel room waiting for kids to fall asleep.  I honestly was tearing up because I love these people so much and feel so blessed to be able to be apart of their family.  It is a very lucky thing to be related to so many of my best friends.
and can you believe all those adorable kids!

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