Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jan 12, 2013

It is Jan 12.
About time to blog I guess.
Today we woke up and decided it might be fun to play in the snow.  We finally have some snow and there is a 3 year old boy in our house that asks every day if it is sunny enough to take his new excavator out in the snow to dig.  Plus Jake had some shoveling to do.  So I gathered all the snow gear, piled it up and told the kids to get dressed.  Sam cried and threw a huge tantrum about now wanting to wear snow clothes.  But since it was like 7 degrees outside, I insisted.  We have been healthy around our house for an entire 8 days in a row and I'm not about to let us break our streak.  Finally we had three kids in snow clothes outside.  But by the time Sam finished getting dressed and was outside- Kate was already in because she was cold.  Whatever the kids were being silly- and I don't blame them too much- it was freezing.
No matter, really today was about letting my Marianne experience the snow.  I haven't really let her play in the snow really.  She's been sick a lot, and we haven't really had much snow to play in.  And my angel as a snow angel was simply adorable.  She was freezing too, and didn't last too long.  But so loveable in her snow gear.  We came inside shortly and had hot chocolate with strawberry heart shaped marshmellows and everyone was happy again.

The last picture is Marianne in some cougar attire.  She is growing up so fast and perfectly. This night we had three kids dressed in cougar gear ready to head to a basketball game.  We had ordered some cheap tickets and piled in the car.  Half way there I decided to check the tickets- only to discover that we had either recieved the wrong tickets, or forgot what we ordered because the game had been for the week before and we had missed it.  The kids were troopers and didn't complain, and I was actually a little glad to not have to drag everyone through the snow.  A funny family blooper.

Obviously it has been about three weeks since I last blogged.

I was about to tell you about how sick pregnant and otherwise i've been, but then I had to throw up, and couldn't make it to the bathroom, so I threw up in a plastic cup on the couch here beside me.  
But now I'm back  TMI- just wait.  I filled two cups, and almost dislocated by jaw.  But now I'm back to typing. Saying this has been my most difficult pregnancy sounds like something I've said before.  But it is.  Thankfully I have more help than ever with Jake working from home and my parents just upstairs. I even snuck in two naps this week and get off the couch next to my tissue, pillows and electric blanket as little as possible.  This is partially because the kids are learning how to help and listen to me bark orders from my couch corner.  I did make it to the doctors this week for my gluclose test and managed to keep the orange drink down a mere 45 seconds after my blood was drawn and I was back in the parking lot headed home.  Then I puked orange drink all over the snowy parking lot while two ladies watched me.  Seriously these kids owe me big, and they are totally worth it.
Our house was expected to be finished on Wednesday- but it was not, it is close though, so close.  We are crossing our fingers to be moving next weekend.  I'm looking forward to our new house so much. I'm not looking forward to all the work and having less people to give me kids their baths and feed my kids lunch.  I'm crossing my fingers that I'll have some kind of super human nesting episode that happens to line up with my move next week.

That is January so far.


Lindsay said...

Miserable... I sympathize with your pregnancy sickness, though it sounds like you have it much worse that I do. (Much worse... so sorry)

Good thing we mostly forget afterwards. Otherwise this world would be much less populated, I think. :)

And, what an adorable little snow angel!

lilybit said...

oh the memories of snow!