Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jan 22, 2013

Kid Notes

Trying to unpack a house with a 17 month old Marianne (who has about given up naps) is of utmost difficulty. Today she has taken all the books I organized back into a pile on the floor and all the kids dishes out of the cupboard back onto the floor, and a couple drawers of clothing... back onto the floor. along with colored on a piece of furniture and made general messes wherever she goes. Tonight at dinner Sam prayed ..."bless Mary can stop being a destruco- queen..." I guess I've been saying it on repeat all day. I laughed through the rest of the prayer.

Later she broke a bookshelf and dumped cereal over the carpet.  
I was getting pretty exhuasted at this point with M She had been up until 2am the night before, her and I reading books on the floor of her room until I feel asleep on the floor and I woke up a few minutes later to her looking at Alice in Wonderland.  

Finally she started crying for her bottle around 6pm tonight.  I knew she was tired from the long night and the no nap.  I tipped her upside down playing and trying to get her to be happy.  To notice two big back top molars and an incisor.  Oh, perhaps that is why she has been so much trouble.  It surprised me because she still doesn't have her top two teeth and the other kids teeth came in order.  And now we feel bad for not giving her more sympathy.
She did finally give me a lot of sweet kisses today despite her destruction and non sleeping.
And retrieve a ball her brother was throwing each time he three it for the better part of an hour delighted he was playing with her. 

Sam's imagination has taken flight.... literally.  He found a helicopter that had been packed away.  I guess it was very missed as now it accompanies him everywhere. When I ask him to do something he says he can only if I hold his helicopter so it doesn't fly away. Today when he was setting the table he carried on fork at a time, with the helicopter in the other hand, telling me the helicopter had hooked it and was flying it to the table.  Lately too every night I tell him a story and in the morning he tells me about his dream he had that night.  It always has a character from my story- in another setting or story.  Last night a mean monkey, the night before a pirate, the night before an alligator.  Each matching the story I told him the night before with a new adventure.  Today a  monkey (who locked a cat out of their house in my story the night before) was mean and stealing Halloween candy from everyone's bag and taking all the candy out of the bowls until Dad came with a saw and sawed his arms and tummy to get him to stop.  Yikes!

Kate came home from school with a question on her mind for me.
"Who got to pick what kind of birthday you had when you were a kid, because didn't you have to share your birthday because you are a twin?"
My kids are obsessed with birthdays. 
I told her that when I was a kid birthdays didn't always have themes and that Mom's just planned birthdays for you.
She kept talking about the idea of sharing a birthday. "what if you didn't like the same kind of cake as your twin".... "what if you didn't like the same friends?".....

A few hours later she was helping me unpack some boxes.  She had still been thinking about having to share a birthday as a twin.  Then she said "Mom is that how you show your love for me.... by letting me pick and plan my birthday?" 
I was impressed she had put this together.  Impressed that she recognized something I do for her as a sign that I love her.  I'm glad she got that.
She rode the bus today for the first time.  I drove the car with all the kids to pick her up at the bus stop, which is not that close really- too far for her to walk alone.  But she refused to get in the car because the bus driver had told her to walk to her house.  After some arguing, I decided to let her walk and I would just drive behind her to make sure you knew the way (we've lived at the house a whole two days, and only walked to the bus stop once, and she is only 5)  She did fine.  She walked with a boy in her kindergarten class who lives next door.  She likes him. She talks about him all the time.  And has been looking forward to riding the bus with him.  She tried to walk with him but he didn't want to walk with her and would run ahead so he wasn't by her. When she would run and catch up, he would run again.  I felt a little bad that when she got home she got in trouble for not listening to me when I told her to get in the car, on top of the fact that the boy she likes would not walk with her... which I assume is the actual reason she didn't want to get in the car.

Funny kids.  Funny stuff.

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