Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan 23, 2013

Today was a crazy day. Of ups and downs I guess.
I was having a bit of post move in depression, or something.  The adrenaline of having to unpack and move wore off and I returned to my puking pregnant self, and it was a hard realization that I still don't have the energy to do all that I want and need to do.  I want to much to be a better mom- and have happy and fun moments with my kids, and I want so much to organize and complete all the projects I have had milling around in my mind for months for the new house, and the new baby.  But it turns out...moving didn't fix my exhausted puking pregnant self.
So today, when Kate was at school and Marianne was finally napping, I slept on the couch while Sam happily played the iphone for almost two hours.  At least then I felt a bit better and let the kids help me make dinner.

Kate started riding the bus this week.  She has been over the moon about getting to.  I mentioned that she was upset when I picked her up at the bus stop yesterday  (those pictures are from her first day riding the bus and waiting at the stop with Sam)  So today I figured I would just watch her get off the bus and walk to the corner all on the sidewalk and then help her cross the street,  Jake was having a bit of a meeting in his new home office, so I got the kids in their coats and boots.  Carried Marianne and Sam followed behind to try to get to the corner where we would meet her and help her cross.  As we left the front door, I could hear the kids get off the bus and start running down the side walk, but I can't actually see the bus stop from our culda sac.  I walked to the top of the culda sac and watched for her to come down the sidewalk.  I didn't immediately see her bright blue coat walking down the sidewalk, but I couldn't see very well, the side walk is a bit of a distance to the corner, and I thought perhaps she had put the coat in her backpack and I had made her wear a light coat underneath as well, and it was a warmer afternoon.  When the girls who live next store and I met on the sidewalk and I only saw what looked like a group of boys who were throwing snow at each other about five houses down from me, I asked the girls "Did you see Kate on the bus?"  They said they hadn't seen her.  Minutes suddenly seemed to be eternities as I ran (my pregnant self carrying my 18 month old and Sam running after me down the side walk) far enough to see, that she was not, with the group of boys either.  Quick thoughts.  She most likely didn't get on the bus and is waiting (likely at the office by now) for me to pick her up from school.  Or maybe she got on the wrong bus and was dropped off somewhere else.  Or maybe she got off the bus and went the wrong direction, I didn't see the kids get off after all.....  Of course I was thinking all this as i ran back to the house carrying Marianne and telling Sam to run behind me quickly. I entered the house.  Burst into Jake's office, Threw the kids at him and grabbed the keys and my phone.  As I started the car, and went to dial the school I had a message.  So I listened to it.  And thankfully it was from the transportation department telling me Kate was found on the bus as it was headed back to the place they park.  She had failed to get off at her stop,  and the driver couldn't see her because she was so small sitting behind the seat.  I imagine she was occupied with the lalaloopsy set I let her take to play with on the bus because I know that all the kids bring little things to do on the bus.  Aparently she was not worried or scared but asked the driver "did you already pass the Daniel's Canyon Ward"  The driver knew where she belonged and headed back to the stop, where I told the transportation dispatch I was waiting.  The bus pulled up a few minutes later and I got out to meet her where the woman apologized for not seeing her.  Kate was not a bit shaken by the event.  I was glad the "emergency" only lasted at most 15 minutes.   Wheew.  I guess I'll be driving or walking her to the bus stop and picking her up each day at her stop.  It is less than a half mile and there are a handful of kids that all walk the same way to the homes in our culda sac, but I guess it is too much for now.
That is the story about how Kate was lost for 15 minutes.  The only other time we have had a lost child was when Sam was 2.5 and we lost him for about ten minutes in a furniture store.  Loosing kids is the worst.

Then we came home.  Relieved, we made dinner all together. After dinner I asked Sam to do a chore and when we wouldn't stop playing with a play camera and do the chore, I took the camera away.  He got upset and started to cry.  When Marianne saw he was crying she ran to him with her arms outstretched with her hands pulling in and out in a come here motion.  Then she hugged him and patted him on the back.  It was beyond sweet of her to try and make him feel better.  Then because it made us all tell her good job and praise her she did it 15 more times, and I even took a picture.  And then we all got hugs, over and over and over again.

We went and got some more of our stuff from my parents house.  Yes we still have more stuff there.  We just have too much stuff.  We still have a truck load to get this weekend.  It seems to be taking forever.  And Kate and I headed to parent teacher conference.   On the way there she told me all about the amphibians and nocturnal animals and what makes a mammal a mammal that she had learned about today. It was a quick 15 minute meeting where she got her report card and her teacher talked about how she is doing.  To no surprise she got mostly "4's" and a few "3's" .  They have a number system where 4 is above grade average, and 3 is at grade average. It was fun to hear she is doing so well and having so much fun.  And amist the drama of the day and the minutes to talk and recognize how awesome my Kate is at her conference, it was a very emotional day with my Kate.  We snuck some ice cream just the two of us after because she asked on the way out of the meeting if she got a treat for having such a good report.  Just like her, when I pulled into the McDonalds around the corner and ordered her a M & M mcflurry without letting her order she told me "that will be much better than strawberry ice cream with strawberries on it"  which I guess is what she had in mind.  She was just saying it would be better to have a good attitude and trying to be content.

See a day of good and bad and ups and downs.

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