Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30, 2013

Some how life changes but repeats itself.  Was not this what the Spring of 2011 looked like for me.  Except Kate was the one on the computer playing Yo-Gabba Gabba, Sam was the one napping.  I'm still the one laying next to the computer player.
Just like when I was pregnant with Marianne, I look forward to afternoon nap time.  Kate is at school in the afternoon, and as soon as we get her on the bus, we put Marianne down for her nap and Sam and I cuddle up.  Sometimes on the couch, sometimes in my bed.  He brings my computer and I grab an hour nap, or just lay there listening to him play.  Bonus.  He thinks this is the best part of the day too, and if our afternoon does not include this he is disappointed.  Sometimes we call it "mom school" because we start by writing our letter or learning about something he wants to, or something I think he might like.
It is always so crazy how well the kids navigate the computer.  Without my help Sam changes from game to game, and needs no help figuring out how to play each one.  He might color a picture and press print- then run to see if it came out of the printer so he can hang it on the fridge.  Or play a game with levels and spelling and tell me all about it.

It is not all laying around on the computer and taking naps.  Although mornings are still rough... and sometimes those rough morning last until 1:00.  Lately I've found some small piece of energy to get something done during the afternoon and evening.

We've been organizing closets.  Including washing all the new babies clothes up, putting her new crib together and hopefully finishing the girls room up in the next week or so, then I can put it to rest knowing things are ready for her and move onto other projects.  We've some how kept on top of the laundry.  Meaning that other than a small load in the dryer... there is no laundry to wash, fold or put away.  This alone is a small miracle because for the past few months I've just let it pile up wash it then put it in another pile... sometimes just in the living room, and then when we need clothes we just "get it out of the piles"  That is what I always tell the kids.  Not right now. My kids are being bathed more than twice a week,  I scotched gaurded all the new furniture and rain-exed all the glass in the bathrooms just like pinterest told me too... I've been shovelling the snow, and I'm about 203 pages more up to date on my digital scrapbooking than I was last week. With only about 300 more to go.  And today... instead of computer/ nap time Sam I started some bulk cooking, making some breads to eat and some to freeze, more home made taco seasoning than we could possibly use in the next year, and home made chicken noodles soup for dinner.

Bonus things are getting done on top of all that.  I hired a mother's helper, a college girl home for the semester, who comes once or twice a week for a couple of hours and does whatever I ask.  Which is awesome.  She was a young woman in our ward, and it is great to have somebody I know and trust to help me with the house and kids and errands, especially while on top of normal everything we have been packing, unpacking, organizing, preparing for a baby and I can't really lift much.  It is a lot to manage in only after puking hours for me so I am grateful it has been working out. Today she unpacked the food storage, unpacked the games, stacked all the empty boxes, polished all the wood in the house, swept and mopped the floors, folded and put away some clothes, and did some vaccuming. In 2.5 hours.  When she comes she doubles the amount of thing I get done that day.  Hooray.  I had been demanding much to much of the kids because I needed the help.  Now I am only requiring a normal amount of work from them and I think everyone is happier because of it.

If you know much about me, you know that getting things done is key to me having a good day..
Yeah for more good days.  Or at least afternoons of naps and relaxing, then accomplishing more than we have been capable of the last few months.  It wont last long I know, my window for not feeling so horrible and not being able to even more is short so we are trying to enjoy it while we can.

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