Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan 31 2013

Today we took our kids to the circus.
I'd never been to any kind of circus.  And the fact that the circus was coming just a few miles from our house seemed like an good enough reason to go.  Anxious to not miss out I went right at the door opening because I had not been able to get tickets online, and easily got tickets then saved seats until Jake brought the kids.   When I got there, I was fighting maybe ten other people for tickets and seats.  I guess I over estimated the popularity of a class C circus in town.  Amy, Jeff and their kids had made plans to come to the circus too, so it made it extra fun to all be together.
The kids had no idea what a circus was I don't think.  Though they use to love to watch Dumbo.
But when they walked in there were several elephants around so I think they were willing to go with it.
Marianne was delighted at first.  Talking and pointed at the elephants.  Jake offered up the seat he had so I could sit by her knowing how much I wanted her to have a happy time and enjoy her happiness.  It lasted for a minute anyway.
From an adults perspective the Jordan Family Circus was a very sad circus, with few animals and some sad performers.  But as a child, I imagine that it was pretty special, which is just what I wanted for them.  Sam liked the tigers most.  Kate  liked the gymnastic girls.  Marianne didn't tell us but the only time she sat still for even a minute was either when she got to sit with uncle Jeff, or when the elephants were out.  or when he Dad got her a snow cone.
During the intermission the kids rode a camel.  They thought it was pretty great.  I should have just let them ride the elephant but it was like ten more dollars, and the circus was quickly coming to a very expensive evening.  The camel was less expensive, and had a shorter line.  But in retrospect, I feel bad.  I mean when do you get to ride an elephant.  I guess a camel is pretty cool anyway though.
Of course there were lots of snow cones and cotton candy too.  Sam and Kate had lots of great reactions, especially when dogs jumped rope, a guy did tricks on his bike and well were generally excited about everything happening.   I sat next to Sam for a while.  He would wide eyed tell me about this and that while shaking his head as in "can you believe it"  Kate sat with Kaylie for a little while and I overheard and saw her talking about something with her eyes wide and her arms outstreched trying to explain something.
My kids are so special.  I love doing special thing for them.  Of course the minute we got home everyone fell apart.  Dinner was held off too long replaced with circus food.
But  I felt so lucky today to be able to all spend the afternoon and evening all together, having fun doing something memorable.
Jake and I were talking last night.  It has been around 45 days since a child of ours had a doc appointment. that has not happened it over a year.  Well over a year.  Maybe a a year and a half.  It feels worth celebrating.... like with a day at the circus.