Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12, 2013

Sunday Portraits.
It is becoming kind of a thing for me to snap a few pictures of the kids before church on Sunday.
We don't have church until 1, so there is just too much time.
We usually go to choir practice, make some treat,s read, and still have time for lounging.  Usually we are even dressed and ready to go too early.

Sunday I asked Jake to take a few pictures of me pregnant.  I usually have this done at least ever trimester with the other births, not this one.  At least I'll have one picture to show the new babe how large and miserable her mother was.  Still almost five more weeks to go.  Jake is on a business vacation to Thailand for the next nine days. (Don't get be started about how the one time he has ever been offered an all expense trip to come out to a conference for a company he works for who would also welcome him to bring a guest and I couldn't be just a little less pregnant so I could come too) I'm sure I won't have a baby seeing as how the earliest any baby has come from their due date was Sam- who was all of about 18 hours early.  The rest have been very late.  But I jokingly told him if I could have the baby while he is gone (and get out of the last 3.5 week of pregnancy that for me will likely be at least 4) I'd not care if he wasn't there.  Of course I am mostly kidding,  Mostly.  These last weeks are the hardest.  Daylight Savings, having the kids all on my own, and the uncomfortablness of my body is resulting in no more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep in a row at any time.  In my mind I should be sleeping in in a hotel, ordering room service then headed to the beach while I wait for Jake to be done with his meetings while I plan where we might go on an elephant jungle cruise later, but instead it is diapers, laundry, and dinner.  I'm not jealous or bitter about it one ounce..... huh?

The kids have been fairly good for me so far.  Kate and Sam are both saving for something they want, so almost anything will be done for a monetary bribe.  It is not the best parenting, but if it results in happy children obeying and doing favors for me this week I don't much care what kind of parenting that look like.  Jake left them a small wrapped gift with a number on it for every day he is gone. They opened the 2nd today and are already talking about #3.  More bribing because I tell them they can't open the gift utnil they are dressed and the living room is at least clean.

The kids were all lined up on Sunday reading books on the couch.  Jake and I looked at them, and they all looked so similar, especially in size.  It is hard to believe we will have another child lined up with them soon.....hopefully sooner than later.  If past pregnancies are any indication I'm sure the majority of blog posts from here will be "why I haven't I had this baby yet.... I'm so tired of being pregnant.... Why won't this baby be born" type of posts.  At least we'll be busy on our own without Jake this week, and then have birthdays, birthday parties and Easter, and Spring Break to distract us those last few days.


Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com

lilybit said...

I can't blame you. You dress your cute kids so cute- I'd take pics too. You are also looking great. Lucky j.

Meagan said...

Crystal how much longer til baby arrives? You look beautiful- really! Remember I'm 5'10, there's a lot more room in my midsection. I'm just already feeling like I can't breath, its weird and seems too early to feel that way. But so far every pregnancy I've had has been different.