Friday, March 8, 2013

January Iphone Gems

Some Gems from Jake's Iphone

1-4   Jake took the two older kids bowling.  I didn't go and stayed home with Marianne.  I found these posed shots on the phone.

5.Our first meal in the new house.  McDonald's Happy Meals.  A good choice as it was 6:30 and they were starving and because we were trying to get a few things done, they had no toys. The kid meal toys satisfied for a few minutes anyway

6.The first tub.  Jake and I were working in the house, I heard a thud, and went to see.  It was just Mary diving into the bathtub head first, just following after the kids.  They were all inside.  And laughing.  Do you love Kate's feet up, she is already relaxing settling in.

7.   Jake's finger splint.  He broke his finger Thanksgiving Day playing flag football with some friends. Remember how he has only broken bones on Thanksgiving Day.  He was almost not going to go in, he went in the day after.  Not only was it broken, it was broken clean through, with only skin and some tendons holding it on.  He wore the splint for as long as he could stand it- which I think was 4 weeks or so.  

8.  Jake' sprained his ankle really bad the night before we were suppose to move.  It looked horrible.  And I thought it was broken.  He was a trooper and carried furniture and boxes for three straight days on it.  I thought perhaps we should just postpone the move.  It was gross.  But seems to have healed, as he is back playing basketball with friends twice a week again. Thankfully we had several friends show up to help us move, and my mom helped move half the boxes I think too.

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