Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 26, 2013

We dyed eggs on Tuesday. The children had been anticipating it a great deal since they saw the egg dye kit I had in the pantry.    Marianne loved it, even though we didn't let her have any dye- only color crayons and stickers.  Sam made every one of his eggs green.Did it have something to do with "Sam I am and green eggs and ham?"  He also has picked out a green easter basket.  If you ask him he will tell you his favorite color is dark blue, but I think he is lying.  Kate and I couldn't really get a pink or purple dye to work out, but we did get some glitter eggs that turned out nice.  Jake made the most professtional looking egg the BYU egg.  They all turned out very bright because they were dyed in pure vinegar- which in the end ate away some of the shells and made them hard to peel.  And nobody has eaten one egg since we made them.  I guess I better make some potatoe salad or something.

Speaking of eggs.  Did you notice the goose egg on Kate's head.  My first call from the school nurse office was last Friday.  Kate had tripped just walking and falling flat on her head without catching herself at all with her hands.  She had a goose egg that was about two inches from her head- the biggest any of our kids have ever had by far.  With the nurse saying "we don't THINK she has a concusion...."  it was pretty bad.  Kate blamed it on the snow boots I made her wear since it was snowing.  With in a day or two it looked a ton better thankfully, but she still has a four inch bruise on her forehead.

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