One cute baby in my bed and a boy with a green toungue.
Bethany laughs all the time now. All the time. Or smiles whenever you say anything to her. She is like Mari in that way- she laughs even if you just move your eyebrows a bunch or say anything in a happy tone. She is another angel. I call her my darling. She is rarely ever sad, and cries maybe three times a week at most, usually for about two minutes before she finds her thumb to suck it to sleep. She had her four month check up today. And now she is sad and doesn't feel well darn shots.
When discussing milestones with the doc about her, I mentioned she rolled front to back, back to front both ways and rolled and scooted across the living room last week even. He didn't believe me I think saying "I rarely see that in children this young" then she about rolled off the table right while he was checking her out and was moving all over the place, grabbing his stethescope from his neck and being super coordinated. To which he said- "she seems to have the gross motor skills of a 6- 9 month old." Yes and she soothes herself to sleep on top of it all and giggles at the drop of a hat. We've won the baby lotto again. She measured 70% percentile for height, 59% for weight and 76% or something like that for head. Can you tell she is number 4. Some of the other kids actually had measurements documented on the blog and at least accurate information, but I don't want to go dig the paper out of the car so some best guess estimation from our appointment hours ago will do.
Sam is gearing up for preschool. He has been asking me for an entire year when he will get to go. Last year we thought he might do preschool and even let him buy some school clothes and a backpack, but then he didn't do preschool so he has been very ready. This week we got to meet his teacher and see his classroom. He was elated. She gave him some treats hence green tonuge and in wanting to see it I took his picture for him.... oh wait nope, this green treat was from the primary carnival this week. His treat pile that seems to grow with every outing anyways.
He and I have enjoyed lots of time just the two of us this past while when Kate is in school, the girls are both napping and he has not started school yet. He is still the same hard working Sam he was last year and all year. We work in the yard together, and he is actually sometimes helpful, and always fun to have tag along. Alone Sam will talk your ear off. About everything and anything. When the whole family is together he doesn't say much, but get him alone and he never stops. He is a dreamer, and a planner, and very ambitious. I overheard him talking to a friend about a girl last weekend to. We have relief society meetings at my house and Sam hosts all the kid that belong to the relief society ladies. He likes being the ring leader I think now that Kate is at school. Also do you see how tan that boy is. He seems to be the only child with my skin.
Kate is well into her 2nd week of school and loving it. She tells me all about lunch, and how it is her favorite part of the day. Who she plays with "usually Jackie" who she sits by on the bus "Ashley and Jocylynn" and that a certain boy is chasing her at recess and gives her stickers. She has had very little homework and it is always a challenge for us to work on homework together. Mostly because she insists I am wrong and she is correct on how to spell things like "and" and "cookies". That was todays battle anyway. But proudly she passed off all her sight words from last year on the first try (without us even looking at them all summer, shhhhh) and has told me about a class pet bird she is excited about. She started dance this week too. She is the perfect ballerina.
Mari and I had a little adventure of our own last night when we were bringing in the bikes and chairs and all other summer time fun that was out on the front lawn. Shoeless of course. Mary almost stepped on a snake in the garage. I hustled her onto the front porch and since Jake was at a scout meeting, called to my neighbor on his front lawn to come and help me. Of course he was afraid of snakes himself so I got a push broom and pushed it out into our gravel parking pad. It was only 2 feet long or more but it freaked me out a ton.
Just Mari and I went to her well check today too (where she measured in the giant category) and had a delightful time, until shot were given, chatting together. After her checkup she picked a giant slimy lizard out of the prize box. I think it was because of the snake encounter. She told her Dad when he came home "snake, scary" over and over. The sticky toy lizard she has been throwing around saying "ewwww" in a happy she knows it is fun kind of way. Her speaking is amazing and fun lately. She has such great intonation in her words "oh WOOOOOOW" "Aweome" she says."OOHHHHH". Also she is a mini genius... I mean a giant genius, and knows all of her letters and most of their sounds and is pretty adorable pronouncing W, F and M. She says YU for the letter Y because she thinks the right answer is BYU. Jake tries to correct her. I think it is awesome.
Jake and I spent the weekend hanging up a curtain rod. One of galvanized steel piping that took for ever and ever and ever. I'm not sure we got anything else done this weekend in fact. I keep telling myself I'm going to work on the curtains for it when I get through the laundry so I can pre-shrink the fabric first... but the trick is that the laundry is absolutely never ever done. I best make a new plan.
That about sums things up round these parts. Is it really almost September. I'd be sad if it wasn't my favorite month of all months.
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