Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7, 2014

I have been gone from my blog journal for some time.
Usually it centers around pictures, but currently my computer is in repairs, so I am using Jake's computers when he is not if I want to
I am sad that most of January has passed without documenting the little and unique pieces of our lives as a family.  Without  taking a moment to document specific moments I find I am lost in the routine of life, lost in the the life that is somehow both crazy and boring in the same minute.

In the missed naps, and the messes.
In the whinnying kids and the homework.
And the diapers and the laundry.
and the surviving.
And the endless drinks I am getting for people.

Instead of the moments I love and cherish.

The tooth that appeared in Bethy's mouth
And the way she bounces whenever she hears a tune.
Or the way she laughs hysterically at nothing when she has missed a nap.
And waves her hand like crazy at everyone, and makes kissy faces and nods her head up and down trying to figure out what all this body motions and signals and sounds mean.

The way Mari says "tank you mommy" when I put  a bandaid on her toe she lost the nail off of
or how she sings "do you want to build a snowman" but never says the s.
and how I took her to the eye doctor and everyone thought she was the most brilliant two year old ever seen because she knew her letters well enough to do the adult vision test, and passed it, and was the perfect patient.
Or how she always wants to "cuddle me mommy" when I sit down with a blanket or "play me mommy" when she wants me to join her in play.
Or when I caught her on the couch coloring her magna-doodle singing to the babies and snakes she was drawing a very loud lullaby "GOODNIGHT, GOODnight.... bed........."  Only later watching the video I took of this back did I realize she was drawing Bethany and a bed and a snake in his bed- the grass.  She was telling me this, but I didn't understand her until play back.

How Sam- now that he has his own room and is sleeping- is the most helpful boy there ever was.
Who is proudly making and keeping all kinds of new friends at school and becoming best friends with his sister Mari during the day when Kate is at school saying things like "Mari is my favorite mom" which is a real treat since they have historically been the two that clash in the family.
And how he loves his teacher so much he was almost in tears telling me about how she lost her dog
And how he is growing out of every single piece of clothing he has, literally each day we discover something that no longer is long enough to contain his limbs- finally.

Or how Kate is the best big sister any kid could ask for and tries to make each brother and sister happy and laugh most of the time she is with them usually with silliness- she is our silly expert around here.
When I went to mom's and muffins at her school with her, and she remembered me saying I liked blueberry muffins several days ago and picked me that muffin, and the same for herself too because I guess she values what I think or wants to be like me and not the chocolate like every other kid.
And we went through her school journal and I saw adorable drawings to go along with sentences she writes each day like " I like me", " I love my brothers and sisters"  " I live with this family of a brother and sisters and mom and dad"
And how I found on her school paper I had forgotten to sign that she had to turn in "I am so sorry" written to her teacher because she had made a mistake and felt bad about it.

I love these dear kids of mine.
They are seriously special people.
 I hope to be back sharing pictures of their faces soon.
It does my heart good to read and see the happy minutes amist the crazy and boring everyday.


Amy said...

Such a sweet post! I know that people are critical of blogging because it only shows "the good"... but for me it's not about trying to hide the fact that there are crazy, messy, downright crappy days... it's about remembering that there are also moments of sweetness, fun times and joy in there too.

Lindsay said...

Love, love, love this.