Friday, February 22, 2008
Another of my favorite things
Pato and Puppers
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Heart attack..... but I'm only 25!
Okay it really was just a panic attack that occurred this morning. I must share this story. On Friday at 5:30pm I rushed to the bank before the three day weekend began to make a deposit. We bank at a credit union, where strangley instead of deposit slips you send a paper version of your debit card through so they can identify your account. In the plastic tube I sent, this card along with my two week paycheck, a cash back reward check from our credit card, and most importantly Jake's two week paycheck. Without disclosing the intimate details of our finances- let me just say this was a lot of money to us, and would be paying the mortgage and other essentials bills for the next month. On Monday I checked our account online to see if our tax refund had been posted yet. It had (a side Yippee) but the deposit from Friday had not. Well it was at closing and it was still the three day weekend. No worries. This morning I checked it again, I am a little obsessed with managing our money, but mostly wanted to make sure the amount had posted. It had not, a mild sting of anxiety hits, but I am sure it is all fine. To the car to find the receipt just in case. Relief- I did have it.... no, no relief more anxiety, the checker mistakenly put my money in that of one Mathew Vincent! My thoughts, this Mathew Vincent probally spent all my money over the three day weekend and the bank... i mean credit union, is not liable. Mathew probally has a new Plasma TV, trip to the Caribean, or at least certainly filled all his vehicles with gas all on us. GRRRRR! I try to call our unamed credit union, but the only number is a 800 number automated and targeted at getting you a loan. Here it is...FULL PANIC. In pajamas, with wet hair from the shower, I throw on shoes, pluck a sleeping Kate from her bed with no socks or coat on and get in the car. I arrive at the CREDIT UNION in a matter of minutes. Thankfully the checker is not the girl who made the mistake, and thankfully she is someone I know outside of the bank, so I don't make a scene but politely explain what has happened. Knowing myself and my disgrace for poor customer service had it been the same checker I would have been sure to tell her how what I really thought of her and her credit union. To their credit it was all fixed in a matter of minutes. No apology, but an easy fix. For this I am grateful. What I am not grateful for is that Jake and I have entrusted unamed credit union with our finances. When we moved to Heber there was no Bank of American Fork, :) the best choice I assure you, and settled with unamed credit union because we had carried a auto loan with them for a few months and it had gone smoothly. I guess that is what we get for not banking at a real bank. We have debated before about changing to Zion's which is also in town, but the hassle of changing our checks has discouraged us. Perhaps it is time to consider that option again. In the end I am happy to report my pulse has almost returned to its previous resting state.
In Honor of Presidents Day...

We have this great book-To the Best of My Ability by James M McPherson that we think is so interesting. It has a brief bio of each president with unknown and important tidbits. Here are some I thought I would share.
Rutherford Hayes, Chester Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley & Warren Harding were presidents- Have you ever heard of them.
Washington, Madison, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan all have no heirs.
John Tyler had the most children- 16
Garfeild was only president for 6 months, and Harrison was only president for one month.
Lincoln, Garfield, McKinnley and Kennedy were all assasinated in office.
Obama may not be the first black president- Harding had some African American heritage too
Taft got stuck in the white house bath tub
Nixon liked to bowl, Kennedy collected scrimshaw and Coolige like to ride a mechanical bull
3 presidents died on the 4th of July and one was born then.
I know there are a lot more funny facts, if you know any feel free to share them.
Rutherford Hayes, Chester Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley & Warren Harding were presidents- Have you ever heard of them.
Washington, Madison, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan all have no heirs.
John Tyler had the most children- 16
Garfeild was only president for 6 months, and Harrison was only president for one month.
Lincoln, Garfield, McKinnley and Kennedy were all assasinated in office.
Obama may not be the first black president- Harding had some African American heritage too
Taft got stuck in the white house bath tub
Nixon liked to bowl, Kennedy collected scrimshaw and Coolige like to ride a mechanical bull
3 presidents died on the 4th of July and one was born then.
I know there are a lot more funny facts, if you know any feel free to share them.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Its Valentine's Day- but she is not blushing
Well the FIFTH time is a charm I guess, meaning after two trips to the Dr and three trips to the pharmacy in the last eight days, this week Kate has fifth disease. Of Course right. For those of you who are not familiar- it is like a mild childhood measles. We are still not sure if penicilin rash was a mis diagnosis or if she caught this while at the Dr's last week for her ear infections and rash. Thankfully she is feeling fine, just looks a little horrible, (Jake thinks she looks cute though). It should be all healed up in a few days. It has been frustrating getting an answer, but if nothing else we are glad to finally have one. We hope every one has a happier Valentine's then our little one.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Putting the Snow to Good Use-
On Saturday Jake and I went skiing. It was the first time in two years. Not for lack of wanting to, but due to last years pregnancy, although I almost had myself convinced I could totally ski at 6 months pregnant, I mean I never fall. And I guess I could have, cuz I didn't fall all Saturday. Not really I know it wouldn't be smart. We went to the Canyons as always. It was wonderful, a little windy and cold, but great to get my ski legs back. Especially since I consider skiing one of only a handful of things I am actually better than my husband at (who is naturally great at everything). Two of the best parts included that I borowed my 17 year old sisters pass and thus attempted to look 17 by borrowing her all white ski suit and brimmed knit hat. I think I pulled it off fairly well, except for of course when I called to check on my child. Second the 4 moose we saw. The first was just trotting through the parking lot, looking very silly. The other three were a mother, baby and other literally sitting in the middle of a run. I was convinced that we would see "Moose attacks skier" on the news when we returned home. I was suprised the resort was not doing anything to move them away from the people. They were incredible. Thanks Mom for taking great care of Kate so we could go, even if you did give her chocolate gelato.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Favorite Thing #3- and not suprising

ABC's Lost started up again last week, this is the 4th season of the 6. All I can say is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....! Seriously. We watched last night and were on the edge of our seats then throwing ourselves on the ground when more questions came and few answers. Normally when a television show is never ending i despise it, but not here. Watching is like solving a puzzle, and although I feel I am not quick enough to catch all the symbolizm and references to legend shows like the Wizard of OZ and Star Wars, I still find it facinating. When I was pregnant we watched the first two seasons on DVD in a matter of days. Traditionally our fav. show has been Fox- "24" but Lost now takes the Cake. Adding Sci-Fi to Suspence. If you aren't a follower check out this link and become converted.
Get Well Soon... Please!
Saturday night Kate seemed a little crankier than normal, and wanted to be held non stop, by Sunday night she was running a fever of 101 and refused to be put down. My first thought, she is finally teething since she still doesn't have a single tooth and her gums have been swollen for some time. Tuesday morning came around, no teeth had appeared and she still was running a fever and refusing the eat and sleep. This couldn't still be teething so we went to the Dr's. A double ear infection he determined, but only after checking each ear twice, as they were not very severe and barely visable. We left the Dr's with some reassurance that we had solved the mystery and some Amoxicillin. By Thursday morning instead of feeling better, Kate was projectile vomitting, with diahreea and now with little spots, over her entire body. Jake and I had spent five hours trying to get her to sleep Wed night and only succeeded after driving around town in the snow for over an hour. Another call to the Dr. and another trip in to see him. Perhaps our Kate is allergic to Penicilin he says- no suprise as Jake is and I am pretty sensitve to everything, we left that day with a perscription for another antibiotic. Last night although her spots are still present we did get eight hours of sleep last night, and are now truely expecting a happy healthy Kate soon. It has been so heart breaking to see our little Kate without her big smile, but a silver lining- she has been very cuddly. GET WELL SOON KATE!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Favorite Thing #2
Just another funny thing that I enjoy.... shoveling snow. Some of neighbors most likely think I have a lazy husband because his wife always does the shoveling- even when I was 8 months pregnant. Why? Well it is quiet, I can see progress when I finish, it is an easy way to burn a few more calories and a great way to become better friends with your neighbors as everyone is always out shoveling around the same time. This week though has tested my love for this chore, as the snow in Heber is record breaking. I took this picture and as you can see the snow is taller than I am now. We had about 8 inches just last night. This pictures is our driveway... seriously.
I changed my mind.... today is Sunday, and although many wards in the valley canceled church because of the snow, we ventured out at 9:00 am. I would guess nine inches fell last night, and the snow was still and is still coming. Jake got our Rodeo (4 wheel drive mind you) stuck at a neighbors while doing fast offerings, when the neighbor tried to pull him out with her 4 wheel drive Explorer, they got stuck, and the Bishop had to come with his tractor to pull them both out. Meanwhile, I shoveled, and shoveled and shoveled. There is just nowhere to put the snow anymore so I started pilling it on where the sidewalks used to be, the snow piled up on the side of our driveway is now taller than our car! UGGGG. My arms are sooooo tired. I think it may be time to invest in a snow blower.
Good Helper
This morning I did our taxes and Kate decided to help by "organizing" the office supplies in the desk. I let her because she was entertained and I could focus, it was not too bad until she found a box of Jake's business cards. Taadaa! Of course when i went to take a picture, she did her classic point- she is into pointing at everything and points over one hundred times a day!
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