Friday, February 8, 2008

Get Well Soon... Please!

Saturday night Kate seemed a little crankier than normal, and wanted to be held non stop, by Sunday night she was running a fever of 101 and refused to be put down. My first thought, she is finally teething since she still doesn't have a single tooth and her gums have been swollen for some time. Tuesday morning came around, no teeth had appeared and she still was running a fever and refusing the eat and sleep. This couldn't still be teething so we went to the Dr's. A double ear infection he determined, but only after checking each ear twice, as they were not very severe and barely visable. We left the Dr's with some reassurance that we had solved the mystery and some Amoxicillin. By Thursday morning instead of feeling better, Kate was projectile vomitting, with diahreea and now with little spots, over her entire body. Jake and I had spent five hours trying to get her to sleep Wed night and only succeeded after driving around town in the snow for over an hour. Another call to the Dr. and another trip in to see him. Perhaps our Kate is allergic to Penicilin he says- no suprise as Jake is and I am pretty sensitve to everything, we left that day with a perscription for another antibiotic. Last night although her spots are still present we did get eight hours of sleep last night, and are now truely expecting a happy healthy Kate soon. It has been so heart breaking to see our little Kate without her big smile, but a silver lining- she has been very cuddly. GET WELL SOON KATE!


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that Kate is not well. Please tell her Uncle J and Aunt K want her to get well quick and love her so much! Sorry you and Jake also had to go through some sleepless nights! Keep us posted on her progress!

Ali said...

Oh little Kate, that is no fun. Hope she is feeling better by the minute.

Polliwog said...

I feel your pain. I was up until 3:00 am with Smidget last night. She is still feverish and listless, but she's on a pretty potent antibiotic so I'm hoping she'll turn the corner tomorrow.

Amy said...

Poor thing! I hope she's feeling better and back to her happy little self!

KEYSHA said...

What a bummer! Sick babies are no fun. I just got back from Vegas and had to take Myka to Insta Care there...(that was an absolute joke!) Anyhow...she had double ear infections too! (no fun). I hope Kate is doing better! It's frustrating when you have no idea what is wrong.

kendragreensides said...

Hope Kate is feeling better. Sick kids are not fun at all. We went through the double ear infection thing a couple of weeks ago and I felt so bad for Brynn, I wish it was me instead!