Friday, February 22, 2008

Pato and Puppers

Kate is at a stage now where she is really into loving her stuffed animals. She hugs them and rocks them and pats them on the back. She loves them! It is so cute. She has a few in particular that she is becoming attached to. One is Pato the Duck. Kate and I were at the pharamcy once, and while we were waiting she saw this Penguin that made her squel. I practiced restraint and did not buy it for her, but when we got home I remembered this duck Amy had given her that was in a basket in her room. It looked a lot like the Penquin. It became her playtime pal ever since. The second in Puppers, (the Puppy) she is a really soft gift from her grandma Freeman for Christmas. Puppers has become her sleepy time buddy. She will fall asleep (by herself finally) cuddling with Puppers. The other day she was playing in the living room with her ever growing pile of toys. Jake told her to go get Pato and she did. Then he asked her to get Puppers and she did. We were a little suprised that she knew the names we had given them and could distinguish between the two. With my luck she will probably say Pato before she says Mama. She already does the "P" some times when we are talking about them. I use to always give her that Elephant in the car and she really liked it and would suck on its trunk, but not so much anymore, I just wanted a picture of all three for her baby book.


kendragreensides said...

Brynn has that dog too and loves it! She sleeps with it too.

Unknown said...

What a good idea to have a picture of her favorite fuzzy friends in her baby book!

Anonymous said...

Every time I think she can't get any cuter she just does! Cute and smart to boot, what lucky parents! I think I will hop on a plane to come and spend time with this little cutie! I wish! Have a great week!