Friday, February 1, 2008

Favorite Thing #2

Just another funny thing that I enjoy.... shoveling snow. Some of neighbors most likely think I have a lazy husband because his wife always does the shoveling- even when I was 8 months pregnant. Why? Well it is quiet, I can see progress when I finish, it is an easy way to burn a few more calories and a great way to become better friends with your neighbors as everyone is always out shoveling around the same time. This week though has tested my love for this chore, as the snow in Heber is record breaking. I took this picture and as you can see the snow is taller than I am now. We had about 8 inches just last night. This pictures is our driveway... seriously.
I changed my mind.... today is Sunday, and although many wards in the valley canceled church because of the snow, we ventured out at 9:00 am. I would guess nine inches fell last night, and the snow was still and is still coming. Jake got our Rodeo (4 wheel drive mind you) stuck at a neighbors while doing fast offerings, when the neighbor tried to pull him out with her 4 wheel drive Explorer, they got stuck, and the Bishop had to come with his tractor to pull them both out. Meanwhile, I shoveled, and shoveled and shoveled. There is just nowhere to put the snow anymore so I started pilling it on where the sidewalks used to be, the snow piled up on the side of our driveway is now taller than our car! UGGGG. My arms are sooooo tired. I think it may be time to invest in a snow blower.


Anonymous said...

You are a better woman than me. I liked the snow when we lived in it for about 1 day and then I would get sick of it. The snow we had was never like that! Wow!

errin julkunen-pedersen said...

i am SO over the snow. I've been meaning to call you back forever. You always call when I'm at work and I want to be able to talk to you for longer than like 5 minutes. I'll try and call after work next week.

Harley King said...

How come after I leave Utah the state gets its best snow ever? I miss skiing.

Oh, sorry, sucks for you guys.

Tanya Quinn said...

I love your blog. I just blogged about the snow too! Also, I love your pico de gallo recipe. I promise we're not twinners, but I'm blogging my pineapple salsa recipe too! Anyway, I agree with you about shoveling snow. I loved breaking up ice in Jackson when we lived there. It was such a feeling of accomplishment. (This is Tanya from your ward by the way.)

Keri Hennefer said...

Shoveling the snow is such a good workout! Here in Cedar we haven't been getting very much snow at all! I'm jealous of all of your snow.