To the right on my blog I keep a list of things Kate says. Partially so when I get around to updating her baby book I will remember and also because I think it is fun for everyone to see. Kate is almost 17 months old now. She started saying "Dad" and "Dog" the other two members of the family back before Christmas when she was eight months old. And as you can see by the list of her most recent speech, she is not behind by any stretch in this department. She even has several two word phrases like "whats that" or "Hi Dad". She makes every possible animal sound, and even almost gets how to pretend, when we pretend that we are cougars and chase around or pretend we are a horse and give her a ride she will make the appropriate sound. Other common words she uses daily are "more", "jesus", "piggies", "hippie","dipping" and almost every part of the body... you get the picture. She is not slow of speech. But for some reason she just has not said mom. There was a short lived time where she said "Meem" which we thought could be "Mom", some "Mom sounds that didn't really seem to be associated with me, and more often than not she would just call me "Dad" too. In fact, when I lead the music in sacrament she sits with her Dad and points at me and yells for the entire congregation to hear "Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad" when we are suppose to be singing. It is possible that there has just not been a real need for her to use my name. It is not like she has to call me ever, we are almost always together. This must be the reason why after just 17 months she is finally figuring out my name is not also "Dad" but "Mom"! It seems that I can finally put "Mom" in that side bar as words she now says. I did conceive, grow and birth her, not to mention nurse her for a year and attend to her every need every minute of the day. I guess it is about time she learned what my name is.