1. We tried to go to the feed store to see all the chicks and bunnies. We had done this once about a week prior to this attempted outing and both kids got a kick out of seeing 200 or so chicks chirping about. We did not tell the kids where we were going, but as we pulled in the parking lot of the store Kate shouted in a very nasally whiny voice" Not the CHICKEN store". Turns out it was closed anyway, but anytime we drive by now we repeat " not the chicken sotre" and it is funnier every time.
2. For Family Night we were playing a game which demanded that each player tell each of the other players a reason they loved them. Kate caught on fast, and after 2 seconds of contemplation stated that she"loved Mom because she cooks, Dad because he reads books to her and Sam because he was special". She was quick as a bunny with this response- which is why it was funny and not only sweet.
3. Sam likes to use a real fork to eat his food. When he manages to get food on the fork and into his mouth I tell him good job and give him a little praise. Yesterday he was eating in his chair still while Jake and I were doing dishes, he was eating but every time he got food to his mouth using a fork he would pause and hold it there until we noticed him and could praise him. Just sitting there with the fork about to touch his lips waiting for us to turn to see. No sense taking a bit if you don't get credit I guess. When we would catch him and praise him then he would
get a huge smile on his face and get all excited before finally eating the bite.
4. We are trying to only allow Sam to have a pacifier at bed time. And in fact I just keep the pacifier in his bed. During the day however, if the gate is down, Sam will walk up the stairs, and emerge back down a few minutes later with a pacifier. He is not able to get the ones out of his bed though, he seems to have secret stashes of them under his bed, under the chair in his room and in his toy bins and even behind my nightstand. No matter how many I confiscate, he keeps coming up with more. Over the past year I though I was loosing them so I would buy more to replace them. Little did I know, Sam knew this day would come and he was secretly hoarding them all around the house.
Every time he goes upstairs and manages to reclaim one more guarantees a laugh.
Hilarious Kids. You make our house so fun.
I love these fun moments. They just get better and more frequent the older and more kids you get! So cute!
You'll be so glad you wrote those moments down. They DO keep getting better and better. Such cute and funny kids you've got there, Crystal!
This has got to be one of my favorite things about kiddos--the suprising and hilarious things that come out of their mouths! My journal is filled with little things Leah has said that I got a kick out of!
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