Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Do Your Kids Fight About?

What do your kids fight about?
Because today mine seem to be fighting about pears.
No wonder we currently have them at our house three ways.
Whole and fresh, diced and in a fruit cup, and canned by the case.
There has actually been pushing and tackling to steal one anothers pear today.
By both children.
Having them 22 months apart, I figured there would be fighting.
Over favorite toys, or even our attention.
But Pears?

Don't you mess with this little guys' pear. He will take you down, and pull your hair.


Kristine said...

so funny. yes 21 months between is same. The girls fought the other night about whether Aunt Shauna (who is over 30) is a child or an adult. It was intense fight and one almost in tears. Amazing what they can come up with

Unknown said...

If there's one thing I'm passionate about, it's a good pear. Ha. That is hilarious!

Janalyn said...

Those are really cute pictures of him looking like he is going to attack if anyone touches his pears. Hope your weekend was super! I love my hair and so does Rog! Thanks!