Saturday, April 3, 2010

We love our birthday girl!

We decided to celebrate Kate's birthday today. It was easier to have my parents over and Jake hates waiting to give gifts if they have already been purchased.
So this morning after the first session of conference Kate got to open her first gift. Her first bike.
She was excited and a little scared. Somehow I manage to bring something frightful to her birthday party each year.
Dad helped her take her first ride all the way to the park and back. About five blocks round trip. She was cold by the end, but proud. Jake was patient rotating her feet for her for 7/8 of the way.

Kate had been planning her birthday since Sam's birthday 6 weeks or so ago. I let her go the the party store and pick out plates and cups and decorations for her cake. She knew before we even went that she wanted a "pink, ariel birthday" So that is what we made for her. She also insisted that Grandma and Kaylie come too- because they came to Sam's. Amy, Craig and Grandpa rounded out the birthday guests.

At the party store she also picked out an Ariel crown to wear for her party hat. But when I went to set things up today it was no where to be found. I don't remember if I decided we did not need it and snuck it out of the cart, or it somehow got lost, but she remembered it. Wanting to make all her three year old dreams come true, I went in search of a new Ariel Crown. Living in a town with only grocery stores to shop at, it was a challenge. But hot gluing a sticker to a dress up generic crown did the trick and she never knew the difference. Too bad she wears crowns like headbands and you can't see my skill.

Despite the fact I always say I will keep birthdays small, once she recieves presents from grandparents and a few other people, in addition to the couple we got her, she received quite a pile of loot-mostly princess themed- which was a delight to her. She had been talking about a seahorse for Ariel for some time that she said was what she wanted for her birthday. I had no idea what she was talking about- and when I went shopping for something to fill this request all I could find was a plush seahorse that was for an infant- which I bought because it was fairly cheap. When she opened it she told me it was for babies. I guess I didn't get what she had in mind.
I guess she will have to make do with the two princess dolls, shoes, ariel play set, two books and bucket of craft supplies...not to mention the bike.
Good thing every thing else was a three year olds dream come true.

Happy Birthday Kate.
You really are my Sunshine!


The Tomlinsons said...

Happy 3rd birthday to Kate! It's so fun that she and Logan are literally the same age! (His 3rd birthday is today). She sounds like she is all girl! Ariel is Leah's favorite princess, too:)

Ming said...

Happy Birthday Kate! I can't believe you have a kid that's old enough to ride a bike. When did this happen? So cute!