Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 13, 2012

We attended a Halloween Party thrown by my adorable sister in law Lisa today.
Which meant we had to have all our costumes done early- and they were.
Kate saw a spidergirl costume like the one she is wearing sitting next to me while I looked at Pinterest like 9 months ago, and has since had it in her mind that she wanted to be that for Halloween.  I saw my chance at a family theme, since it is fairly easy to get Sam to pick a superhero to be, he orginally picked Spiderman, but glady he changed his mind while at a Halloween store a few weeks ago to Iron Man.  And M doesn't even realize she is in a costume really I think- but went as Bat Girl..    Kate had everything in mind, spiders in her hair, makeup on her face, a tutu with sparkles.  I think I made her Halloween vision come true.
The kids love their costumes, even Marianne, who at first wasn't sure about the tutu, but was soon happy and charming the world.
Fun day with our "SUPER" kids.

To complete the theme Jake and I went as bad guys for the super heroes to catch..  Namely robbers, dressed in black with ski masks and panyhose over our faces and a big bag of money.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and where's your pic?