Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 20 2012

Imagine potty training a kid with who has to be on adult doses of laxatives every day.
Now imagine potty training another kid who has a condition that gives him symptoms like IBS.

Seriously you think potty training your kid was bad?
You have no idea.

It took over a year to potty train Kate because of her issues. We had her close, but then her hospitalization set us back a least another nine months  Finally getting her completely trained when she was about four years old.
And almost a year to potty train Sam because of his illness.  Finally getting him potty trained this week, at 3.5 years old.
One week- this week- with no accidents.
 We are calling it.

And now we have more children potty trained than not.
It is a huge success for our family.

And lucky for us we don't have to think about potty training another for more than a year.
I think I might just cry for happiness.

I can only hope the next time I have to potty train, it is with a kid with no health issues and takes the normal one week to three months.
I'll think about it later.
For now we are rejoicing, for the only diapers, or pull ups we have change this week were from a 14 month old baby.

Way to go Sam for joining the big boy ranks finally.

And way to go Jake and Crystal for not killing themselves, one another or their children in the process.