Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8, 2012

Maize is such a little lady lately.  She seems to have a natural interest in feminine things like jewlery and babies.
From the moment I saw her this morning she had this baby and necklaces in her hands.
She carried them around all morning.  When she took her nap I put the baby out of her bed on the floor  and when she woke up and I went to get her, she was trying desperately to reach it from her bed.
She held it and took it with her through lunch.  Then we took Kate to school.  It got left by the door putting on our shoes.
When we came in I brought M to the living area and set her down.  The minute she was down she went running.  I wasn't sure where.  But before I could chase her, she had been to the door picked up the left baby and come back to me in the other room
She is so sweet with it, hugging it, and of course adding more necklaces to her neck as she found them.
My afternoon also consisted of play and errands with my boy.  He walked around the dollar store with me picking out Halloween decorations.  He lined up his cars when he saw me show M her doll on my camera view finder.   Later he lead family night.  He picked Kate to lead the song, then got up and lead with her, then M (in only her diaper) stood up waving her hand singing (lalala) too and we had three children leading the music singing filling my heart.

It was a pretty great day all around today.
For one- I didn't throw up- not once.
I managed to sneak in a pedicure while M was taking a nap (Dad and grandma are now at home to listen in on her) and the two kids were at gymnastics class.  It was kind of surreal
After gymnastics me and Sam and Kate hiked around grandma's property collecting beautiful leaves for a class project for Kate.  They loved it, finding the best leaves, and "going on an adventure" as they called it.
Later I went to a doctor's appointment for myself by myself.  I didn't wait one minute.  And they were so accommodating   I had asked them to do some genetic testing through my blood to rule out a condition with our kids whose health stuff seems still a bit unanswered.  And although they had to take ten viles or something exhausting, I was so glad they were willing to do it with my prenatal blood screen.
And then I came home to an email, our home plan was approved by the city today and we were given our building permit. And the last of the kids Halloween costumes in the mail.

I sure love great day with my beautiful family.


Unknown said...

pretty great day.

LaCee Clayburn said...

What a great day! It seems your little one and Miss K have a TON in common! Miss K loves her babies and necklaces and goes NOWHERE without them :o).