Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12, 2013

The kids admiring Bethany a bit earlier this week.  Bethy has moved into that not always sleeping newborn mode where she is occasionally awake, not eating and still content.  It lasts a whole 20 minutes at best.
Marianne is cleaning with wipes.  She is obsessed with cleaning and wiping with wipes.  I don't know.
Jake and I may believe Bethany to be our most beautiful baby.  Surely we have thought that about every baby though.
One of Jake and Marianne "working" too.

It is mother's day today.  How lucky I am to have such a wonderful family.  This morning I was served a french toast breakfast complete with tons of decorating and toppings Kate took credit for.  I attended church with just the two older kids.  Took a nap when I got home, recieved cards and a bunch of strawberry plants, and didn't have to cook dinner either.  I am well taken care of that is for sure.  I recently told Jake that is has felt like Mother's Day for a few weeks now as he has let me sleep and rounded up meals as I have recovered from ha ving Bethany, and then the flu and then a cold.
Saturday I woke up at 6:30 am and we worked and went all day.  Soccer, errands, and yard work.  It felt good to wake up early and not take a nap and work all day.  It was the first time in a while  I have spent so much time working and no time sitting in bed. Good thing because we have a big yard to get done.   Yeah for finally feeling a bit better and ready to be myself again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day!